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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Is this a sexual compatibillty issue
01-10-18 10:39
11 3.9K
Cannot get over a girl
29-09-18 23:56
13 3.3K
TTC - need someone sane to talk to please
30-09-18 13:10
13 3.1K
Partner going mental over something I said while grieving 12
27-07-18 19:41
45 11.3K
How can I help?
01-10-18 16:23
5 980
Relationship dilemma
27-09-18 8:36
6 3.1K
Confusion over relationship 12
07-09-18 10:41
46 9.9K
I am wondering if my very good memory is keeping me from moving on...
23-09-18 18:10
10 2.6K
How do i get over him?
25-09-18 16:09
5 1.7K
Red Flag?
18-09-18 18:03
25 5.5K
Dated a blow in on tinder. Now thinking of flying over to see her.
19-09-18 0:54
25 5.1K
Confused and no idea what to do.
24-09-18 13:02
7 1.5K
Is an over affectionate boyfriend normal?
17-08-18 2:10
30 6.9K
Relationship breakdown
23-09-18 19:29
1 1.3K
Erectile Dysfunction Medication
20-09-18 16:48
5 1.3K
Wife visited ex husband on his death bed 12
19-09-18 21:58
43 7.5K
Am I being stupid
19-09-18 0:45
14 3.5K
Boyfriend refusing to have sex with me 12
10-09-18 1:25
45 9.6K
Im single /Shes not 12
18-09-18 18:48
41 7K
Partner not generous with money 12...45
07-09-18 18:00
127 18.9K
Partner's Internet history - Help! 1234
10-09-18 11:43
93 11.9K
Anyone else having regular sex with an ex?
14-09-18 22:52
12 3.9K
marraige over but still sharing house, what to do?
14-09-18 14:14
15 3.7K
Messaged a boy and panicking
14-09-18 1:31
5 2.3K
Brother in law with addiction (advice needed)
14-09-18 14:02
12 1.7K
Past experiences giving me anxiety about new relationship
11-09-18 17:44
5 1.1K
Asking someone out
11-09-18 14:57
13 2.4K
Have you repaired a sexless marriage and how and how not? 12
16-08-18 10:14
51 12.6K
I feel like I might never find a boyfriend?
09-09-18 20:40
4 1.3K
Dating single father-problems
02-09-18 23:00
24 5.6K