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Beer & Wine & Spirits

Mature discussion and appreciation of all things alcoholic (over 18's only).

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Good Drink Bargain Alerts! 12...5152
13-01-25 16:27
2.6K 368.2K
Forum Charter & Over 18 Rules
11-09-13 11:36
0 20.3K
Fizzics Draftpour
15-01-25 21:31
6 126
Supporting craft breweries 12...8990
15-01-25 18:35
4.5K 240.8K
Guinness in Dublin City Centre 12
15-01-25 17:55
63 1.6K
Good Non Alcohol/Low Alcohol Berrs
15-01-25 17:46
17 624
Let me push that stool in for you: the off-topic thread 12...56
15-01-25 16:03
257 9.3K
Is NI cheaper for buying alcohol? 12
14-01-25 16:50
65 1.8K
Why don't Irish pubs sell snacks? 123
14-01-25 14:54
109 6.5K
Man your pumps, Wetherspoons are coming 12...8182
14-01-25 9:57
4.1K 474.1K
The heartbreaking search for Sagres
13-01-25 16:26
7 866
What whisk(e)y are we drinking? (Part 2) 12...8485
13-01-25 12:10
4.2K 208.1K
What beer are we drinking this week? Episode 3 12...151152
06-01-25 15:30
7.6K 442.9K
low carb beer- Rockshore light?
23-12-24 10:46
6 237
In vino veritas - what wine are you drinking? 12...1415
19-12-24 19:37
706 52.6K
Baileys Gift Set
16-12-24 8:12
2 204
Firefly moonshine
15-12-24 19:17
0 22
What are the Requirements for Labelling Whiskey as Irish Whiskey?
11-12-24 22:38
5 275
Please suggest me some beers from Craft Central
06-12-24 15:09
3 193
Irish Whisky Old Label - e or no e
05-12-24 11:06
28 531
Low Alcohol Beer in shops
04-12-24 23:56
17 704
Please suggest a wine (pref from Dunnes) for my Irish Colleagues as Christmas gift.
03-12-24 23:28
25 1K
03-12-24 21:57
11 361
Anyone Been To Oktoberfest?
28-11-24 14:07
13 602
Protein beer
14-11-24 14:46
3 135
What to mix with Vodka to make it a long drink?
08-11-24 12:26
9 597
Irish Reserve 26 Y/O Single Malt Whiskey - Aldi - 49.99€ 12...45
07-11-24 15:20
224 32.4K
Corona - Now UK brewed
05-11-24 21:17
18 1.5K
Beer Festivals in 2024 - stick them in here! 12
17-10-24 18:45
76 4.3K
What Cocktails are you drinking lately? 1234
14-10-24 13:43
154 8K
Heineken Ireland acquisition of Molson Coors Ireland beers
12-10-24 12:46
44 3.4K
Tesco's (abominable) wine selection
04-10-24 17:00
16 784