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Anthropology, Sociology & Culture

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Forum Feedback
19-08-21 19:13
15 1.1K
Discussion Standards
07-01-10 15:23
0 6.4K
Anthropology, Sociology & Culture: Forum Charter - Please Read
11-12-09 1:08
0 6.3K
Rememberance masses every year seriously
17-01-25 14:09
6 210
Anthropology Books
14-01-25 18:33
4 32
Trad Gender Roles Content
26-12-24 18:52
0 2
Why don't we have US style 4 way stops on our roads?
08-12-24 14:16
14 4.2K
The Cure
20-11-24 14:13
4 121
Is 'Irishness' important?
20-11-24 2:01
18 4.6K
Catholic Celibacy
20-11-24 1:55
4 1.3K
Do humans fit into nature?
20-11-24 1:35
21 3.6K
Terran to replace the word human
20-11-24 1:03
23 2.8K
Everyone is biased?
20-11-24 0:35
6 646
Social reality: do (some) women marry men they wouldn't have been caught dead with in their youth?
29-10-24 1:12
28 1.8K
Trump’s Uncivil Religion
11-09-24 23:12
4 161
Energy healing - Who in Ireland
21-12-23 18:05
2 91
Shamanism Ireland - Experience sharing
25-11-23 14:05
0 32
Should wolves be reintroduced to Ireland? 123
29-08-23 18:13
101 8.5K
Coincidences That Are Crazy
21-07-23 15:17
0 41
The Society of Peace Ireland
05-07-23 8:33
1 1.9K
Assisted Suicide
24-03-23 21:13
50 3K
Enchained by affluence
23-03-23 21:14
31 2.3K
Living in remote areas
08-02-23 8:19
24 809
Free Anthropology Classes Online
17-01-23 16:26
8 1.1K
Mad rush into computerisation of life
29-12-22 14:03
10 271
Keeping your relatives out of nursing homes
28-08-22 10:50
6 3.7K
Are celts a tribe of the caucusus?
02-08-22 20:22
4 550
Help with a study on Irish identity. (Follow Up)
24-06-22 20:43
3 31
Virtuous Cycle Or Fall of Capitalism?
10-12-21 22:11
5 61
The Information Society
08-06-21 12:25
34 2.5K
06-04-21 9:07
5 1.2K
Help with a study on Irish identity.
02-04-21 17:54
1 234
Semiotic Democracy
19-04-20 21:12
2 4.3K