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Information Security

Computer security issues.
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Spam Mega Thread
27-08-16 20:38
41 16.3K
Overview & Links
19-07-14 9:03
28 26.6K
Security Forum Charter - read before posting
08-03-10 11:15
2 15K
Security board FAQ
03-01-02 14:18
0 19.3K
CISSP Question
23-01-25 4:59
8 1.8K
18-01-25 12:42
3 60
Phone not receiving verification code from Amazon
04-01-25 7:42
3 86
Facebook hacked
29-12-24 22:17
8 622
Password Cracking
15-12-24 17:23
31 1.2K
Here's you box of screws not tell us all your personal details (Rant alert)
04-12-24 12:37
20 602
Disclose a data breach?
20-10-24 19:37
2 143
Recent Bank of Ireland outage, no SSL Certificate
14-10-24 8:30
20 715
Legitimate email or scam?
12-10-24 16:36
4 722
AIB Selfie, what do you make of it?
04-10-24 9:22
3 234
aspnet_compiler.exe(32) running for no apparent reason Win10
28-09-24 18:49
5 81
Scammed out of 250 Euros. Will I get it back?
19-09-24 0:43
20 1.3K
Hackers and Scammers
19-09-24 0:41
3 162
Eir Hostnames for ISP service - WAY too much human readable info
17-09-24 10:26
5 232
PayPal scam, nearly caught out. Read if you use PayPal, might save you some hassle
11-09-24 18:51
14 551
Just a random spoofing?
06-09-24 23:50
2 122
ISMS auditor price
04-09-24 15:14
0 11
Having to pay for privacy
29-08-24 21:11
6 301
Phone scam? - contacts compromised?
13-08-24 22:48
3 171
Am I being scammed? Super weird
21-07-24 7:54
13 1K
GP surgery using a standard Gmail account
16-07-24 11:40
14 932
Google Maps Timeline
23-06-24 15:32
4 182
when mobile rings, you answer and it immediately disconnects
21-06-24 8:11
8 341
Phone Scam - Other People Getting Calls from My Mobile
02-05-24 15:38
24 1K
Another companies email got hacked and sent out false IBAN details
19-04-24 7:06
7 392 SCAM emails
01-04-24 9:52
18 541
Internet Security at shared workplaces
28-03-24 15:06
6 241
Someone adding my email as their recovery email
27-03-24 12:10
3 460
Ebay AIB kafkaesque, or is it me?
16-03-24 12:57
2 101
Suspected insecure email server
22-02-24 19:56
3 131