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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Arts & Crafts Chat Thread
30-10-24 14:59
17 212
Your art/craftwork - show it here! 12...3233
14-10-24 15:59
1.6K 263.3K
Need an Artist? Post here! Read Post #1 before posting!! 12...56
17-05-24 18:40
273 69.4K
Art/Craft Stores and supplies 12...89
20-09-23 14:13
415 186.4K
Knitting / Crafting for Charity
06-04-22 21:43
22 10.5K
Useful links/competitions/freebies/courses/online resources
01-07-19 5:05
4 1.1K
Art / crafts courses/ events you would recommend 12...910
14-05-19 8:29
462 145.3K
Arts & Crafts Forum Charter
01-12-15 12:43
0 12.6K
Trimming poster for framing
16-01-25 3:55
1 20
What are you making just now? 123
11-01-25 15:00
145 8.5K
Knitting - quick question
17-12-24 19:06
2 31
Adult painting classes
29-11-24 20:55
0 11
Selling my Art many questions.
29-11-24 14:41
1 52
Laser engraver
22-11-24 19:42
1 12
Solid wood 16 x 20 frames
22-11-24 7:36
3 31
Christmas wreaths
07-11-24 11:34
0 21
Where sell second hand arts & crafts supplies?
27-10-24 19:12
1 72
12-10-24 14:04
1 126
Sewers: How do you print your sewing patterns?
11-10-24 17:49
5 42
Plaster of Paris question.
30-08-24 12:32
0 2
Hi All, does anyone know what exact paint colour this is?
21-08-24 14:25
4 101
Looking for chasers pitch
20-08-24 17:58
2 21
Quilting: Dresden Plate
04-07-24 18:58
0 21
Sewers! Can you give me some guidance on this?
22-06-24 16:06
4 102
Places that dye clothes
08-05-24 22:09
1 51
Clock Movements
02-05-24 16:57
0 31
Double sided adhesive tape
25-04-24 18:22
2 41
Resin Art Workshops
13-04-24 20:39
0 21
How to paint a wooden picture frame?
10-04-24 0:52
0 31
Spray Paint for Space Painting???
16-03-24 9:34
3 460
Altering Pj's
25-02-24 18:50
5 111
Sourcing Material for Backlighting Old B/W Glass slides (Light Display).
22-02-24 18:45
1 31
All things paper
06-02-24 15:27
9 91
Someone to make a prototype of a small bag
24-01-24 23:05
5 121
Paint by Numbers wall murals
25-12-23 16:48
4 739
Best glue for scrapbooking.
02-12-23 11:05
4 71
Xtool laser engraver
17-11-23 20:35
1 41
Volunteer crochet teacher needed (1+ hours))
17-11-23 14:43
0 51