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Digital Art, Design & Animation

Topics that include digital image editing, graphic design and animation.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
DA-D&A Community Services - Read First Post!
12-06-13 18:43
15 13.8K
Charter: Digital Art, Design and Animation
10-04-14 15:21
0 5.2K
Copyright Law and Art: Do You Need Permission to Use a Copyrighted Image in Your Artwork?
05-01-25 14:50
11 141
Why oh why is Instagram messaging on threads in Instagram so bad?
11-12-24 23:35
0 21
Adobe vs Corel – Some Clarification Needed
03-12-24 10:32
1 430
Best place to learn Adobe After Effects?
21-11-24 19:44
2 11
Discussion of STL files for 3D models. Best examples and platforms.
11-10-24 0:03
2 51
Structural Steel Detailing Services
06-10-24 9:36
0 11
Outsource cad drafting services
06-10-24 9:31
0 1
Animation and future career opportunities in Ireland
23-08-24 22:55
3 51
Printing plates - Embossing using old aluminium
02-07-24 4:26
0 22
Photoshop - Honeycomb pattern / hex grid query.
14-06-24 12:57
1 31
Selling iPad created Art..
14-05-24 11:30
1 61
hometown Virtual Art Exhibition
07-04-24 18:23
0 71
Using a library 3d printer
23-03-24 15:58
6 121
AI image generators and augmenters
28-02-24 1:28
30 391
Importing your photo into an AI art app ???
27-02-24 8:43
2 61
Ireland's Potential for Brochure Design Services
12-12-23 10:13
0 21
Singer Available
11-11-23 17:44
0 21
Cheapest way to buy canva
06-10-23 7:27
0 11
Is the Gustav Klimt Immersive Expo worth visiting?
28-08-23 0:23
1 251
Posters for bedroom wall
30-06-23 10:38
0 21
Babylon 5 is back :)
19-06-23 10:45
0 11
Really nice work thread
27-04-23 21:07
0 21
What Can I Do With My Degree
28-02-23 9:04
0 22
Flash Animation
10-11-22 7:43
2 433
Help in a bag Design
10-08-22 15:02
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thinking about buying lidl graphics tablet...
28-07-22 15:42
14 9K
Recommended computer chair for a digital artist
28-07-22 15:40
1 1
Any website to make an infographic like this?
17-07-22 9:21
4 185
print on demand Ireland
25-06-22 10:53
0 91
Graphic Design Work in Ireland
02-05-22 17:15
2 497