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Interesting old stuff.
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Seen & Found 12...1920
24-11-24 0:05
968 119.2K
Archaeology Links
28-12-05 18:46
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Archaeology Forum Charter. Please read.
14-03-13 9:18
5 15.4K
A few Megaliths from last weekend. 800PX PHOTO THREAD! 1234
14-09-09 21:10
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Booleying huts
27-11-24 4:05
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Stonehenge Altar Stone is from Scotland
30-10-24 16:02
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Historic and Archaeological Heritage Bill 2023
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Unrecorded Monument
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18-09-23 21:54
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Dating a Nail.
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The tomb of Genghis Khan has been discovered?!!
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Found on North Louth Beach
19-07-22 16:32
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How to identity deer park and medieval demesne perimeters?
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Large stone found, what could it be?
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Archaeology on tv
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Moved: Cleopatra's Affairs with Roman Emperors
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What is this?
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Seal Matrix
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Ancient Times Table Found Hidden In 2,500 Chinese Bamboo Strips
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Rock of Dunamase
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Pictures of Archaeological Artefacts
18-01-21 17:56
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Cow Teeth?
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Metal Detecting on Farms
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GeoHive and Historic Monument Viewer
25-02-21 17:07
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Dating copper found in sand.
15-02-21 18:46
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Gallic Presence
08-02-21 19:09
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Volunteer opportunity?
02-02-21 17:29
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Wind farm on the Baltinglass Hillfort Complex
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