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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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No confidence
22-11-18 14:21
25 4.7K
How much to Spend on GF of 6 Months for Christmas
04-12-18 10:41
28 3.6K
Wife and Childcare Problem
05-12-18 14:22
13 2.7K
How to make sure he is comfortable...
03-12-18 12:39
24 4K
Proposing before living together
01-12-18 3:32
16 3.1K
Breaking Point?
03-12-18 22:00
14 2.3K
Out of Sight/Out of Mind and See No Evil/Hear No Evil with Exes 12
27-11-18 9:19
36 5.1K
Can anyone help
03-12-18 5:33
10 1.9K
What to make of it
30-11-18 23:28
13 3.5K
How can I let this guy at work down gently? 12
29-11-18 0:16
35 5.8K
Partner wants to open our relationship 12
25-11-18 2:07
32 8.6K
Doubts about introducing girl I'm dating to friends
19-11-18 23:28
20 5K
Night out with new boyfriend - I cringed
13-11-18 16:06
14 7.7K
I dont want it to be over…
27-11-18 18:53
3 2.5K
Advice for new relationship -he has addiction issues 12
25-11-18 4:28
54 7.3K
Divorce - 4 year rule
29-11-18 17:55
0 887
Do I give him a second chance?
28-11-18 13:03
18 3.4K
Can a little space help works things out?
25-11-18 18:33
10 1.7K
What to do about child?
25-11-18 1:34
2 1.9K
Dating App
24-11-18 11:18
13 2.2K
Wife's unbearable snoring
22-11-18 3:21
16 4.1K
22-11-18 20:50
22 3.1K
23-11-18 1:06
5 1.9K
New girlfriend worked as an escort 12
19-11-18 14:55
53 12.7K
Budget for Christmas gifts...
19-11-18 13:59
16 2.8K
2nd date, zero experience
17-11-18 11:34
7 2.3K
I can’t tell if he only wants me for sex
06-11-18 11:16
27 7.1K
Facebook stalking never ends well.. 12
14-11-18 11:26
48 9.3K
So I did it, but its opened a tougher can of worms:(
19-11-18 11:48
4 2.4K
Confusion over 1st LTR
15-11-18 1:18
13 2.4K