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Dressage, showjumping, eventing and showing.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
***HORSE SHARE ONLY*** - NB -NO advertising of horses for sale/wanted/loan/lease 12...1011
15-12-23 10:56
543 157.7K
Introduce yourselves 12...56
12-10-07 13:48
257 61.7K
Contact Details for Riding Schools / Livery Yards 12...45
16-11-07 0:18
206 113.8K
Equestrian Photos Thread 12...1112
23-01-08 14:27
590 120.9K
Equestrian Forum Charter***NB***READ BEFORE POSTING***NB***Including DRP&Copyright
13-11-07 23:24
6 14.1K
Horse Source
23-01-25 6:37
1 86
Horse Transport
13-11-24 17:55
0 1
Equestrian supplies (Clearance)
20-09-24 14:21
0 21
Part Share of 16.1hh gelding available
29-08-24 10:17
0 21
28-08-24 12:13
0 11
Enough space for two mini ponies
18-06-24 13:50
0 31
Towing insurance
15-05-24 21:18
0 52
Wanted: Yard/Gallop for Rent/Share
14-05-24 21:02
0 31
Looking for
03-05-24 10:47
0 32
Rider Insurance
26-04-24 14:55
2 104
7.5 Tonne Horse Lorry Tacho required?
03-02-24 8:56
1 91
Coilte permit for riding.
04-01-24 20:25
0 113
Buying foals and sell as yearlings
24-11-23 11:46
1 71
Can someone explain how sports classes work in DI competitions?
12-11-23 13:01
0 31
Livery Yards
27-07-23 11:32
1 123
23-05-23 16:58
4 91
13-03-23 10:46
32 6.9K
Lessons for 5 year old
03-03-23 15:26
1 41
Cross Country Schooling
13-02-23 21:16
4 151
Search terms for livery yards
09-02-23 21:36
1 51
Field shelter for ponies
17-10-22 19:52
0 21
DIY Assist Livery
15-09-22 11:27
0 31
Riding Clubs
11-04-22 12:24
1 72
Stable lighting
26-11-21 9:12
0 21
Modern Pentathlon - Olympics 2020/1
09-08-21 15:02
0 21
Yard lease ending
02-08-21 15:51
1 195
Winter Livery
29-07-21 8:32
0 1
Looking to school and train horses for free
17-06-21 19:31
0 179
Dutch warm blood Stallions from 2009
23-04-21 18:02
0 187
EHV-1 Outbreak
01-03-21 20:37
7 510