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What happens when you graduate
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Writing a great CV - Graduate Career Tips
03-10-22 5:01
3 15.9K
Graduate Interview Tips
02-01-11 2:48
9 16.2K
Graduate Resource List
30-05-08 11:48
12 19.5K
This is NOT a POSTGRADUATE forum for MSc / PhDs etc.
14-02-09 21:51
0 13.3K
30-05-08 11:42
0 14.2K
Academic Transcripts Verification Service
18-10-24 10:24
2 21
Fitzwilliam Institute
27-09-24 7:58
2 2K
Occupational therapy job prospects in Ireland?
27-09-24 7:58
3 564
Todo Nodo Sodo
15-05-24 17:44
0 61
Hiqa inspection officers 123
09-05-24 11:14
122 50.7K
HIQA Application Form for Older Peoples Services
02-12-22 6:32
1 71
My friend cannot do a postgrad in the Irish language without being charged a fortune
11-08-22 21:05
0 52
GAMSAT 2022 Prep
10-04-22 22:17
1 211
PE Teaching
23-01-22 16:23
0 21
Want to do medical internship in ireland as a citizen with a foreign degree
19-09-21 15:39
0 21
FE1 manuals for Sale
15-06-21 8:58
1 103
03-06-21 7:36
0 86
Graduate Medicine funding
21-05-21 8:32
1 1.3K
Masters in Digital Marketing - Thoughts?
25-11-18 9:40
6 1.9K
help solving problem
26-01-21 14:14
0 447
Did my degree in software development but still no luck in jobs
02-01-21 12:07
0 431
2020 graduate really struggling
10-09-20 10:20
1 988
Postgraduate opportunities in Physics @TCD
01-10-20 20:23
0 499
Administrative Officers 2019 in the Civil Service 12
01-10-19 8:21
58 19.1K
Converting a generic BA into a teaching qualification
04-06-20 20:19
2 835
IRC Postdoc 2020
13-07-20 17:17
0 628
FE1 exams
10-06-18 16:45
3 2.6K
Recommend a Career Guidance Counsellor Cork please.
15-06-20 13:13
0 667
PME Primary 2020 offers
02-06-20 16:54
0 735
What is the minimum time to become a paediatrician in Ireland?
04-03-20 14:44
1 842
Gradmed GAMSAT Courses
20-11-19 17:57
1 1.1K
ATI exams
08-01-19 21:59
7 3K
Tefl experiences
02-12-19 22:21
0 804
Thesis advice required
19-11-19 8:19
0 833
Actuary vs. Financial Analyst
10-11-19 10:28
2 1.2K