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Forum for discussion of forestry & silviculture
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Chain Saw Chat 12...1314
24-12-24 2:04
682 66.8K
Firewood Buy and Sell Thread 1234
16-10-24 20:59
188 38.8K
Co-operating with the Shooting forum.
22-05-21 22:43
0 1.1K
Hunting permission
22-05-21 22:22
0 376
Forestry Forum Charter: **READ BEFORE POSTING**
18-10-14 11:20
0 4.7K
Forestry links and resources
27-08-14 19:33
3 6.4K
Alder to “dry land”
02-01-25 9:37
4 171
Which axe to get
29-12-24 12:13
14 293
Granda’s forest
27-12-24 12:42
10 638
Forestry reading
22-12-24 22:43
1 104
18% target for forest cover by 2050 - how to get there?
21-12-24 22:47
38 1.3K
Broadleaf forestry value
16-12-24 9:17
6 192
Purchasing Chainsaw Chain Online- Correct Sizing Issue
08-12-24 14:07
4 91
Charcoal kilns
03-12-24 13:25
1 71
aldi log splitter ?
26-11-24 0:41
7 673
Buying land with dead forestry on it - can I take the forestry out? 
19-11-24 23:48
10 392
planting sitka in subsoil
01-11-24 12:23
8 422
Lidl offers
30-10-24 12:52
0 72
Forestry options
21-10-24 13:31
0 63
Buying Land and Planting Forestry as An Investment. Viable?
29-09-24 14:44
14 859
How much are forestry paying for land ?
02-09-24 6:19
4 453
buying a small forestry plantation and leaving it - not felling it
25-07-24 17:11
27 874
Ash Dieback Disease (Chalara fraxinea) in Ireland 12...1516
09-07-24 8:58
775 86.6K
A MAJOR Omission yet again
08-07-24 13:09
3 241
Native tree area Scheme: 1Ha Planting Mix and layout
21-06-24 22:07
28 1.2K
Is now a good time to clearfell , if so what's the best way to sell it?
14-06-24 18:52
1 192
09-06-24 13:31
3 251
2 Strike Oil
30-05-24 18:59
0 71
Timber prices 12
24-05-24 19:05
63 7.2K
Chainsaw loosing power
21-05-24 22:09
2 121
Fencing bordering Coillte
14-05-24 10:38
4 311
Can't get anyone to cut back my trees
13-05-24 20:19
19 1.4K
Bordering Coillte
01-05-24 9:37
5 273
clear felled land
27-04-24 23:15
21 1.2K
Size of shed needed to manage a six acre area of forested land
27-04-24 16:38
2 183
Looking to lease land Wicklow, 2 to 3 acres high land (scrub unused) for bee keeping
25-04-24 16:30
2 101