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Conspiracy Theories

Bizarre and not-so-bizarre stories about who really did it.

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New Conspiracy Theories Mods
17-12-24 9:23
0 37
Posting in The Conspiracy Theories Forum
23-11-24 9:24
0 188
(Updated Aug 2019) {{{Forum Charter: Read Before Posting}}}
03-05-15 5:32
1 7.4K
The biggest story in the world Ever?
21-01-25 1:41
20 1.4K
The Drones of 2024/25
20-01-25 11:41
44 979
Pizzagate Gunman killed by Police.
15-01-25 17:48
3 238
Conspiracy about the flat earth conspiracy - Thread bans in OP 12...2021
15-01-25 9:30
1K 19.9K
The Real Rulers of the world
14-01-25 13:25
11 956
The Catholic War on the original Celtic church
11-01-25 14:58
1 89
08-01-25 23:49
10 690
Trump and the coming Iran nightmare war 12
08-01-25 9:10
62 3.4K
Alex Jones Believers - How Do Ye Feel Now ? 12...1415
23-11-24 9:11
750 21.2K
So UFOs aren't a theory anymore - but we still don't know what they are 12...2728
13-11-24 20:49
1.4K 39.5K
Mind Control Torture Techniques by CIA and US law enforcement agencies
06-11-24 13:36
2 164
Spring 2025
29-10-24 7:29
42 948
Did Dr. Richard Day really predict it all in 1969?
07-10-24 19:21
16 3K
Will there be another Pandemic in 2024 12
03-10-24 20:56
60 3.8K
22-09-24 18:33
4 582
2030 - A State O' Chassis?
03-09-24 9:23
6 573
Too many people would have to keep it a secret... 12...1314
29-08-24 21:45
687 16.3K
ISS Distress Signal
28-06-24 7:03
2 354
Moon landing hoax 12...1819
24-06-24 19:52
944 59.6K
Collapse of the West financial System
05-05-24 6:53
13 842
Alien body in Mexican Congress Hearing
21-04-24 11:41
19 1K
The ship hitting the bridge is an inside job because of course it is
28-03-24 7:59
8 573
Recent British Royal Family Conspiracies 12
22-03-24 20:15
59 4.5K
Research Scandals
20-03-24 12:57
0 91
Russian lies in Western media
10-03-24 22:29
46 1.2K
250 Year seal on War of Independence files...what are they hiding?
09-03-24 22:02
2 346
Organ donor opt out 12
27-02-24 7:18
61 2.3K
'Science' or conspiracy theory?? ... what's the difference anymore ?? !!
28-01-24 16:31
0 121
Check the Register, can you vote?
25-01-24 2:29
14 812
Micro-chips. No elections needed
24-01-24 23:41
5 232