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Reading Logs

Keep a log of the books you read.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Forum Charter - Reading Logs
25-04-08 17:27
0 13.8K
Just let me finish this chapter... 12
18-01-25 13:15
57 941
Down but not out 12
12-01-25 16:14
69 918
Keep on Reading........ 12...67
09-01-25 19:52
302 12.2K
The Great Books Of The Western World 12...78
08-01-25 11:16
371 10.6K
Deja Books
02-01-25 14:43
7 314
Knowledge is Power 12...67
29-12-24 2:27
311 20.6K
Reading Myself Out of a Rut
18-10-24 11:06
1 22
Back on books (2017) 12
04-09-24 8:34
76 2.6K
margurite ahearn
02-08-24 13:12
0 11
Making up for 10 Lost Years 1234
11-10-23 18:09
153 4.3K
Keeping Track of my Reads 12
04-06-23 15:06
97 1.1K
So many books to read & not enough time
02-06-23 13:14
1 31
Paddy samurai maybe 50 books in a year 12...45
15-09-22 19:59
228 48.5K
books from the 90ties
06-04-22 19:19
1 21
Pavb2's Reading Log 12
06-10-21 19:11
65 16K
Book swap circle?
15-02-21 14:18
1 103
Encyclopaedia Brittanica
22-01-21 0:25
0 55
24-11-20 1:20
0 74
Back to reading
01-01-20 15:53
0 156
El log de lectura de Fisgón
06-03-11 11:13
46 10.5K
League of Extraordinary Books 12...56
02-11-13 14:17
252 27.4K
Forty works of fiction - 2012 12
01-05-12 19:40
63 9.9K
Reviews on books with historical and political subjects.
11-01-19 9:10
0 214
Book Club in Limerick
19-11-17 12:25
3 571
The Kidz Library
09-10-17 19:29
4 392
Novels about the mob / mafia
25-06-18 13:29
1 246
koth's reading log 1234
20-06-08 20:45
190 35.6K
John Fante short story collections
08-01-18 17:16
0 273
2018 reading log
02-01-18 15:33
0 283
corblimey has got too many books 12...56
22-01-13 14:00
298 29.9K