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Nutrition & Diet

Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Coeliac food recommendations 12...1011
12-11-24 14:50
529 92.6K
The Off Topic Thread... 12...3334
05-09-24 12:45
1.7K 179.5K
Nutrition 101 1234
17-05-23 10:37
187 157.9K
CHARTER: eat me! I mean, read me.
21-09-07 10:48
0 32.5K
Question on the amount of protein per kg of bodyweight, help please.
14-01-25 22:44
1 43 closed down, any alternatives?
14-01-25 11:04
2 587
12-01-25 14:41
31 12.9K
Low carb hi protein wraps and burger buns.
12-01-25 14:27
10 171
11-01-25 6:49
2 192
Whey protein brand without Artificial Sweeteners / Preservatives ?
31-12-24 12:38
1 39
Can this be possible?
27-12-24 23:06
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Nut allergy question?
21-12-24 17:03
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Where best to buy vitamin D
14-12-24 11:58
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Obesity as a Disease - Medication 1234
09-12-24 15:06
163 9.3K
Red yeast rice
28-11-24 19:47
0 12
Lactose Intolerance
25-11-24 13:27
0 21
Whole food Plant Based Diet for Long Covid
23-11-24 20:12
0 52
Norse Organics
17-11-24 19:51
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Best Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss
18-10-24 11:48
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Best protein powder for weight loss
18-10-24 11:13
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Best Homemade Protein Bar recipe?
13-10-24 14:30
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Bread - Least bad for you
03-10-24 20:21
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Slendier Spaghetti Calorie Scam
29-09-24 5:21
3 433
Glycin & Taurine Bio availability ?
14-09-24 7:17
0 11
Will I get in trouble?
05-09-24 5:31
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Carnivore Plus Lifestyle
26-08-24 17:22
40 1.3K
Frozen meat 6 months
13-08-24 19:33
14 772
Teenage Boy picky eating
12-08-24 20:01
7 413
Protein bar suggestions
03-08-24 20:17
8 435
Advice for child overeating
03-08-24 19:32
19 865
Gastric Bypass
03-08-24 14:49
16 2.5K
Thoughts on Protein bars as a regular snack
25-07-24 9:53
2 152
Avonmore Protein Milk 12
22-07-24 14:13
80 29.3K
22-06-24 0:21
9 445