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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Confused over what girlfriend said 123
07-01-18 22:27
77 15.4K
Logistics of breaking up
10-02-18 10:49
5 1.8K
Politely moving on
04-02-18 20:10
14 3.5K
need serious help
07-02-18 3:29
4 2K
I don't like how my friend treats her partner
06-02-18 0:19
22 6.2K
Boyfriend moving out
01-02-18 11:18
8 3.4K
Wife's daughter a handful
04-02-18 22:27
19 4.3K
Ex is now working with me, should I quit? 12
27-01-18 0:06
39 7.3K
Christmas and Boyfriend
27-11-17 13:31
24 6.9K
Reuniting with an old flame, thoughts?
03-02-18 10:37
7 2K
Parents a little dependent on me
30-01-18 17:40
5 1.7K
Anxiety and work
24-01-18 15:10
3 1.2K
How to recover from a toxic break up once and for all
29-01-18 4:19
20 3K
Separating from partner
28-01-18 13:10
0 1.2K
Secret Instagram account..should I run a mile?? 123
24-01-18 17:58
67 7.4K
Dating in your 30s...minus the dating apps!
22-01-18 13:45
9 3K
Facing difficulties with my sexuality/sexual urges
05-01-18 20:42
30 9.2K
Time spent together 12
15-01-18 19:18
38 5.9K
Falling in love with another man 123
16-12-17 3:41
81 16.8K
Father doesn't bother with baby 12
17-01-18 12:24
52 8.5K
Boyfriend unhappy with my weight
21-01-18 22:47
7 2.9K
Seeking advice on a relationship with addiction issues
10-01-18 23:18
22 3.8K
What is wrong with my mother ? 12
19-01-18 14:06
36 4.5K
Financial issues...future issues
14-01-18 18:19
15 3.5K
disturbed about girlfriend dating past 12
13-01-18 22:09
44 8.4K
Saying a clients name in bed!
08-01-18 11:28
27 5.2K
Arguing over how much time to take off work with a newborn baby 12
15-01-18 7:43
33 4.2K
Is this an abusive relationship? 12
06-01-18 0:23
32 6.7K
Is Tinder worth it..?
09-01-18 22:47
19 5.7K
Pleading your case AFTER a breakup?
10-01-18 1:50
15 3.2K