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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Is he just not that into me?
23-02-14 22:25
18 3.7K
First Date, Nerves & Not Making a Tit of Oneself
11-02-14 0:46
26 4.1K
How much contact makes a guy look too keen?
24-02-14 19:42
11 1.8K
Afraid to tell her
22-02-14 22:19
21 6.1K
I feel like a horrible wife
24-02-14 10:02
13 3.6K
How much time is enough time???
25-02-14 9:16
11 1.7K
6 months pregnant - cheated on
11-02-14 15:37
24 5.4K
OH Wants to Move
22-02-14 9:31
11 2.1K
Don't see my long term partner as The One
23-02-14 1:36
12 3.2K
am i just a typical confused man 12
10-01-14 21:22
52 10K
Family/OH trouble
22-02-14 0:05
11 2.4K
Have I scared him off for good?
22-02-14 18:06
18 3.3K
Father & Fiance HATE each other 12
17-02-14 17:36
39 6.1K
I am my own worst enemy
22-02-14 16:44
4 1.2K
is this going anywhere? 12
15-02-14 20:58
49 5.9K
Partner not contributing towards a house deposit. <Mod warning posts #77, #101> 1234
19-02-14 23:07
104 15.7K
unprofessional behaviour?
22-02-14 9:46
0 1.6K
Flying solo as usual
18-02-14 21:29
22 3.6K
Did he use me?? 12
04-02-14 22:35
40 8.6K
Should i walk away? Need advice please.
22-02-14 0:08
4 1.1K
Am I asking too much?
20-02-14 17:23
6 1.9K
Making an idiot of myself
21-02-14 15:57
3 1.3K
Depressed Spouse
20-02-14 16:00
21 1.8K
Should I follow counsellors advice?
18-02-14 17:38
15 2.6K
Change of heart? 123
17-02-14 16:32
72 7.7K
Not giving as much
18-02-14 22:37
12 2.6K
My girl broke up with me after 6 me..
17-02-14 3:28
19 4.4K
dating woes
19-02-14 15:11
6 1.5K
Cheater or not?
19-02-14 2:03
12 2.6K
19-02-14 4:29
9 2K