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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Should I send him a birthday text? 12
05-03-14 23:51
39 4.7K
New girl advice
06-03-14 16:23
2 1K
Issue with relationship
03-03-14 18:08
20 4.1K
Wife having an affair 12
24-02-14 5:54
46 15K
sex issue
27-02-14 13:47
11 5.1K
He chooses porn over sex 12
01-03-14 15:16
40 6.6K
Is it over?
01-03-14 22:18
13 3.6K
Question about Relationships
03-03-14 19:41
2 1.2K
Partner checks my phone
02-03-14 23:09
19 3.8K
Think I blew it with lovely girl at weekend; some advice needed please
04-03-14 0:18
5 1.7K
I'm physically sick over this
27-02-14 15:10
18 6.1K
Depressed partner, I can't cope
23-02-14 13:03
8 1.9K
Getting back in the game.
03-03-14 1:38
4 1.2K
am i overreacting/unreasonable? 1234
28-02-14 23:10
94 11K
Always Fancying Somebody Much Older
02-03-14 19:27
3 1.3K
Feel a bit broken when it comes to relationships..
02-03-14 22:35
1 1.3K
My wife, her depression, and me
01-03-14 22:39
7 2.1K
do many women not ...
02-03-14 10:59
2 1.9K
Long distance relationship - what kind of relationship is this??
14-12-13 16:10
26 5.3K
Eating me up
23-02-14 21:47
25 5.3K
long distance relationship help
01-03-14 14:58
10 819
where to go from here
28-02-14 23:59
1 711
Partner going on holidays without me. 12
24-02-14 22:21
34 8.6K
How likely will Irish people date foreigners?
22-02-14 16:51
30 11.8K
am I over reacting?
24-02-14 17:36
26 4.5K
Do I or don't I?
27-02-14 0:24
2 1.7K
Anyone else find single-life a minefield???
21-02-14 13:13
4 2.4K
27-02-14 4:48
6 1.6K
Is he just not that into me?
23-02-14 22:25
18 3.7K
First Date, Nerves & Not Making a Tit of Oneself
11-02-14 0:46
26 4.1K