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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Boyfriend sending mixed messages
13-03-14 23:59
8 2.6K
I fancy the arse of my gfs sister. how can I tell if she likes me
14-03-14 21:50
7 4.2K
pregnancy...breakups and ex's 12
10-03-14 19:14
47 5.9K
Confusing situation..
10-03-14 0:36
21 5.2K
is it wise to go to bed on an argument?
14-03-14 4:42
1 891
Things coming to a head
13-03-14 15:14
8 2K
A guy I like in my gym
10-03-14 21:59
18 3.9K
Relationships. What am I missing here? 12
27-02-14 1:22
33 7.9K
04-03-14 22:19
8 3K
Two Guys
12-03-14 17:48
6 1.7K
Should I tell my friend that the guy she is dating already has girlfriend?
09-03-14 11:51
12 2.9K
Long Distance Relationships and Kids
12-03-14 14:55
9 1.2K
Very long distance relationship - am i crazy?
11-03-14 0:47
8 1.6K
Is my fiance stingy? Should I expect more? 12
09-03-14 5:17
42 8.3K
Dating Issue
10-03-14 20:43
20 2.8K
Fight with fiancee need help with something to say 12
09-03-14 22:25
37 6.2K
Boyfriend likes female friend
08-03-14 23:12
22 4.8K
Hopeful something more can happen but still unsure
23-02-14 5:15
17 3.6K
performance anxiety
09-03-14 17:16
7 1.6K
Age difference
08-03-14 23:39
4 1.4K
Feeling down
09-03-14 9:07
1 683
Long distance relationship - end it now before it happens?
05-03-14 23:24
17 2.5K
Family Issues
07-03-14 21:12
7 2.1K
Healthy Eating and Lifestyle
05-03-14 21:50
7 2.5K
Marriage in serious trouble
01-03-14 23:30
10 5.2K
My sisters mess
07-03-14 22:56
4 2K
in a spot of bother. 12
01-03-14 9:22
49 9.1K
07-03-14 14:56
2 862
OTT Boyfriend
06-03-14 17:33
15 3.8K
Lying to my face
05-03-14 12:37
23 4.6K