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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
23-10-16 19:48
19 1.4K
Dating advice (it would be great to get an insight from women on this) 12
18-10-16 10:03
36 3.9K
Advice on dealing with controlling parents?
14-10-16 22:48
23 3.4K
At what point do you give up on meeting someone?
11-10-16 11:23
19 3.6K
Moved to IE and now overwhelmed
18-10-16 19:44
7 1.9K
Abandoned by my mother?! How to feel as an adult?
19-10-16 8:23
18 2.1K
Dreading meeting
20-10-16 16:23
0 498
Serious worries regarding food and body image
10-10-16 23:18
10 1.4K
Stuck in a rut
18-10-16 20:09
2 271
Worried and stressed
19-10-16 11:38
0 278
Bad relationship with my mother
15-10-16 23:06
19 1.5K
Drifting through life
16-10-16 20:33
4 797
Lost Constructive Dismissal Case by two days
13-10-16 23:39
20 3.2K
Paranoid about work gossip
13-10-16 19:03
14 2.4K
28 is too old to start anew 12
07-10-16 19:45
48 4.9K
Too young to have sex?
17-10-16 21:39
1 1.3K
Should I ask out friend?
15-10-16 12:06
4 979
depressed again, but trying to fight it
12-10-16 22:54
5 949
Put down by negative comment 12
12-10-16 20:47
31 2.8K
lost who i am...
14-10-16 15:07
2 558
Big problem with my mother, long post.
11-10-16 11:38
17 2.4K
Calling in "Sick"
13-10-16 11:42
10 2K
Is this too much? 12
10-10-16 13:17
34 4.6K
Can anyone understand how I feel or am I turning in to a monster?
09-10-16 21:05
12 2.6K
Help..I really need advice
12-10-16 10:30
15 1.2K
Rent for adult children returning to the family home. 12
18-09-16 3:12
54 7.5K
How to help?
04-10-16 18:57
3 737
How to ask for a contribution fee?
11-10-16 16:21
5 1.4K
Husbands family
10-10-16 11:24
22 3.1K
I feel like I have spent my whole life by myself
08-10-16 17:54
22 2.4K