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Husbands family
10-10-16 11:24
22 3.1K
I feel like I have spent my whole life by myself
08-10-16 17:54
22 2.4K
Constant anxiety -career change?
09-10-16 11:07
3 585
09-10-16 19:07
9 970
am i right to be annoyed
29-09-16 18:31
26 4.8K
Alone on Erasmus/in general
25-09-16 16:01
7 1.8K
Friend Zone: Should I Do This To Get Her Off Fence?
04-10-16 22:17
20 3.1K
Another signle thread
05-10-16 14:07
24 2.4K
Morbid thoughts
04-10-16 23:24
15 1.5K
Awkward Work Situation
04-10-16 20:35
22 3.8K
Feel like I am in a Rut.
23-08-16 6:22
9 1.4K
Stressed out around people
06-10-16 23:05
1 433
Looking for help
05-10-16 21:55
2 544
In a Rut and can't get out of it
05-10-16 14:47
4 653
Support group for adult survivors of childhood abuse
06-10-16 13:07
2 314
Just started dating a guy in line
06-10-16 15:29
15 3.1K
Help forgetting her
05-10-16 12:31
8 1.1K
Friend and work issues
05-10-16 21:32
1 782
05-10-16 9:34
2 615
Need some advice on whether to move to Australia
30-09-16 14:20
10 1.3K
Rural isolation
03-10-16 14:45
6 1.1K
Should I stay or should I go
29-09-16 11:36
11 1.5K
Stay at home mother, getting depressed
29-09-16 21:24
21 2.3K
I have no real friends
27-09-16 4:02
2 1K
Friends Weight Loss Making Me Feel Inadequate
01-10-16 1:09
16 2.7K
Struggling a bit
24-09-16 1:25
22 3K
Guilt about Money
27-09-16 21:40
18 2.8K
Friendship/relationship advice needed
27-09-16 0:45
8 1.3K
Making friends in Dublin
02-10-16 11:47
2 427
Horrible situation at home
26-09-16 16:50
13 3.6K