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Is it normal to be 20 and never have been with someone.
05-11-16 1:07
14 1.8K
staying single after special needs son's issues, wanting to be in relationship
04-11-16 15:40
14 2.3K
Worried I may have Irrevocably Destroyed a Friendship
03-11-16 19:19
8 2.3K
Counselling at a crossroads
05-11-16 23:54
1 442
Am I a bad girlfriend?
05-11-16 19:32
3 1.7K
Having a girlfriend in Leaving Cert.
17-09-16 0:18
21 4.3K
Job offer, internship, & possible unemployment
04-11-16 10:44
7 606
Thinking of dropping out of college
28-10-16 21:44
15 1.9K
No one to go out with for Halloween
27-10-16 16:48
8 2.6K
Feeling very lonely & lost in life
30-10-16 12:59
1 979
Manager won't give me time off for Christmas
03-11-16 7:38
30 3.8K
Past rearing it's ugly head all the time (abuse related)
29-10-16 2:55
3 1.3K
Girl always on my mind...
02-11-16 1:04
5 1.1K
31-10-16 19:22
3 1.5K
Subject to unwanted attention from man working in job in the home
01-11-16 4:40
12 3K
29-10-16 9:38
21 2.6K
Not happy
28-10-16 0:28
2 1K
Brother in law gone off the rails
28-10-16 1:30
2 1.7K
Guys - please help (offer advice) i'm a girl, early 30's - well a woman then (ish!!! 123
25-10-16 20:45
70 7.9K
Very Lonely
25-10-16 22:55
9 1.4K
At a crossroad.
20-10-16 20:06
12 1.6K
lonely life :(
27-10-16 1:05
3 831
Friends Sticking their Nose In
22-10-16 20:12
21 3K
Afraid of nightclubs
23-10-16 13:15
9 1.5K
brother assaulted husband 12
24-10-16 20:41
39 6.5K
Disillusioned - Should I drop out or continue?
18-10-16 14:40
14 1.6K
Can I go on sickness benefit for a while?
24-10-16 11:25
3 913
Stuck in a bad situation due to depression
19-10-16 14:39
8 1K
Strange Relationship with Friend
22-10-16 3:22
15 3.6K
How to move past this
24-10-16 1:03
2 690