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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
First Date
26-05-14 0:58
5 1.2K
Lazy partner
24-05-14 3:20
11 3.1K
Ex-girlfriend and new guy
25-05-14 10:12
5 2.3K
In a horrific situation 12
21-05-14 2:12
36 10.8K
Really don't want to fall in love.
23-05-14 0:49
5 2.6K
Broke up by text
20-05-14 2:23
24 4.6K
is there any chance to fix things
24-05-14 18:45
1 1.3K
What to do? Should I end it?
22-05-14 14:31
7 1.9K
Surely this is not unreasonable??
18-05-14 20:58
11 4.3K
Long Term Relationship help
19-05-14 21:26
8 2.4K
Randomly asking a girl for her number??
08-05-14 19:35
27 5.9K
Tightwad Boyfriend or Demanding Girlfriend? 12
19-05-14 23:15
32 5.8K
Am I been given the runaround?
21-05-14 1:29
25 3K
Girlfriend found out I had an account on dating app (rhymes with Kinder), and freaked 123
21-02-14 18:36
69 16.6K
confused and let down:-( 12
20-05-14 9:35
49 5K
Long Term Relationship - I can't end it / don't know how 12
20-05-14 8:15
38 5.3K
Unsure of how I feel
18-05-14 15:30
12 2.1K
can't move on
20-05-14 16:28
13 1.1K
Am I being taken advantage of? 12
12-05-14 23:13
33 7K
cant seem to move
20-05-14 0:22
3 777
Forever Alone??
19-05-14 16:06
18 2.4K
need advice on if I can trust this guy
19-05-14 15:51
15 2.2K
need some man advice!
19-05-14 15:47
2 1.1K
Am I unreasonable?
14-05-14 9:37
15 2.7K
Ex's behaviour
17-05-14 2:19
8 2.5K
Depression & An Angry Boyfriend
16-05-14 12:11
18 2.6K
Best friend with girlfriend/boyfriend
17-05-14 17:22
30 3.9K
Do I love him?
14-05-14 20:27
18 3.6K
Help -urgent
07-05-14 16:00
10 3.2K
what are my rights as a sister?
17-05-14 14:13
3 1.8K