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Please help re mortgage situation
07-07-14 15:20
2 694
receivership sale of neighbours house??
07-07-14 14:03
7 1.3K
People who never buy? 12...45
29-06-14 10:08
135 23K
Looking for roommate/flatshare in D4 area
07-07-14 10:17
0 308
Landlord selling and I have no alternative accommodation
05-07-14 20:56
25 3.9K
Kids buggy in an apartment block 12
30-06-14 15:44
57 8.2K
Normal estate agent behaviour? 12
15-02-12 20:20
41 12.1K
Letting agent requesting bank statements 12
28-06-14 19:43
40 5.8K
NAMA land: Half of houses needed in Dublin
05-07-14 13:11
5 1.2K
5 years - Notice Period
05-07-14 21:40
3 812
Unusual Estate Agent Request? 12
02-07-14 9:49
45 6K
Booking deposit on rental property
05-07-14 14:54
0 355
Humidity issue in rented house. 12
30-06-14 16:13
55 5.4K
Advice on buying a site for a clueless person
05-07-14 9:40
5 552
[Wanted] House to rent in Firhouse
05-07-14 0:39
0 294
30-06-14 10:02
8 1.4K
Landlord doesn't know I live here - housemate gave me my notice
04-07-14 4:26
19 3.9K
PRTB Adjudication Process
04-07-14 13:23
0 410
Leaving Lease before end of the term
04-07-14 10:32
0 246
PRTB Registration
03-07-14 19:22
7 655
Gas / Electricity - best deals
03-07-14 23:46
1 458
Solicitor for conveyancing in Dublin? 123
26-09-11 0:09
83 29.4K
Sub-leasing help
02-07-14 21:45
5 644
My flatmates breaking lease...
03-07-14 15:52
6 867
Landlord's post keeps coming to apartment 1234
02-07-14 11:43
95 7.5K
Renting Question
03-07-14 12:33
9 776
Farmers renting mobile homes?
03-07-14 16:25
0 562
Rent splitting
02-07-14 16:22
9 1.1K
Reinstate fireplace?
03-07-14 0:20
11 1.2K
Lease ended, staying on?
02-07-14 16:31
12 1K