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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
New houses in Dundalk
17-06-14 16:06
2 533
Part 4 being denied by agent 12
24-06-14 18:31
37 5.3K
Ownership/Title Query
01-07-14 19:33
9 628
Length to build. 2 story house?
01-07-14 15:39
2 523
Reinstatement Insurance
01-07-14 14:20
1 226
Buying a house that has planning as an investment holiday home to live in
01-07-14 9:37
4 3.7K
Letting agent accessing apt without authorisation!
25-06-14 18:26
11 1.7K
Wc off Kitchen
01-07-14 10:57
2 719
Dublin House Prices 123
28-06-14 14:43
68 9.2K
Property criteria for mortgage approval
30-06-14 14:05
2 797
Will getting paid late or partial payments affect mortgage application?
30-06-14 13:12
5 774
Potential problem with our lease
30-06-14 15:38
27 2K
Legality of a mortgage contract?
01-07-14 2:01
2 1K
Sub-let, housemate holding deposit?
29-06-14 12:48
4 752
Area rule for extensions w/o planning permission
30-06-14 15:12
3 457
Question re agents
29-06-14 11:42
10 1K
Need rented apartment for sick relative
30-06-14 7:35
2 578
Fed-up being a landlord/time to sell? 12...45
28-06-14 22:35
124 12.1K
Council Housing Lists dissolved... No chance of council house. Mod Note in 1st post 123
30-06-14 12:30
71 12.3K
Looking for budget (EUR 50) B&B Athlone
29-06-14 8:01
6 720
Kildare Property Market
30-06-14 11:05
0 593
council house purchase
29-06-14 15:11
7 1K
Contents Insurance, or are specific item policies available?
29-06-14 23:44
1 299
Long term rent versus purchase - South Dublin
04-05-14 22:13
21 3.7K
Thornville Drive - Kilbarrack
29-06-14 7:31
1 1.1K
Independent - Which banks will lend the most?
29-06-14 10:49
4 780
Selling Affordable Apartment - Experiences
27-06-14 12:16
1 479
Giving Notice
28-06-14 21:02
5 592
28-06-14 16:35
4 1.8K
Who's doing what? 12
25-06-14 14:34
53 6K