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Relationship Issues

For all Relationship Problems
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
withdrawel symptoms
15-09-09 20:19
2 420
how to get my bf to talk about our future?
15-09-09 16:41
2 611
don't find him physically attractive
14-09-09 18:35
9 1.6K
13-09-09 20:59
3 611
Boyfriend's girls
11-09-09 20:50
28 2.3K
Hurt and cheated on
28-05-09 1:40
23 3K
15-09-09 1:39
6 945
To leave it or not
15-09-09 12:51
19 1.4K
How to tell her I'm not interested
14-09-09 23:08
5 859
Should I contact her?
14-09-09 23:45
5 554
Can't Forget what i Saw
14-09-09 13:47
13 2K
Is there anyway to get around this??
14-09-09 10:17
20 2K
why do i bother playing nice ?
07-09-09 15:45
30 2.3K
ex moving on and im in bits.....
14-09-09 20:53
1 653
help advice needed
14-09-09 20:17
2 496
Met guy on the Internet - need advice
13-09-09 8:39
6 1.1K
Boyfriend started in my workplace, and boss favours him
14-09-09 15:47
4 839
Am I being silly?
13-09-09 16:41
6 917
Need a bit of advice shutting an ex out
14-09-09 15:14
7 735
Cant take the anger anymore... 123
07-09-09 11:10
87 5.8K
afriad to kiss guys
13-09-09 2:14
4 903
What to do ????????
14-09-09 14:35
2 484
Dont know what to do
12-09-09 19:51
7 893
What to do... Confused
14-09-09 0:12
2 458
saying the L word ... fear!
07-09-09 12:05
10 1.1K
Strangers arguing... What to do?
13-09-09 6:35
5 1K
13-09-09 20:22
2 834
13-09-09 22:37
1 396
having a bit of him is better than not having him at all or is it????
13-09-09 21:07
2 665
Gambling mess
04-05-09 2:23
8 874