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Living in Oz but so homesick.. 123
20-04-10 12:10
69 11.2K
At what point do you just accept your never anyones first choice?
25-04-10 3:55
17 9.8K
Hypnosis to stop smoking
25-04-10 14:12
6 1.1K
Two Issues.
26-04-10 10:48
6 1.2K
should we go?
26-04-10 10:46
7 955
VERY Embarrassing Sexual Problem
26-04-10 10:11
2 2K
Laser Hair Removal?
25-04-10 22:14
4 1.1K
Constantly Depressed
25-04-10 23:56
1 621
No Friends left and pretty much down about it
25-04-10 4:11
14 3.1K
When you have no Friends left whats the best thing to do?
25-04-10 23:43
0 329
Shopping a welfare cheat
25-04-10 16:51
14 2.2K
When am I going to take myself seriously?
23-04-10 22:49
1 596
Rent allowance for unemployed father
25-04-10 12:17
1 716
Stage Fright! Do you suffer from it?
24-04-10 19:20
3 658
Should I contact her?
24-04-10 16:05
5 820
Should I contact my nephew?
22-04-10 19:25
25 2.4K
Suicidal Girlfriend
23-04-10 19:22
8 1.4K
Moving out, parents and the like
24-04-10 21:30
4 1K
Becoming socially isolated, but by choice?
23-04-10 12:13
3 976
feeling alone
20-04-10 0:23
3 763
Can't handle it anymore
23-04-10 23:12
6 976
Relationship with friends ruined...
22-04-10 17:25
16 2.2K
I hate my parents for smoking!!!! 12
17-04-10 18:42
51 5.3K
23-04-10 23:50
1 427
How to break up with boyfriend
23-04-10 20:01
0 2K
How do I reinvent myself?
23-04-10 1:05
9 1.5K
Lost respect for uncle
23-04-10 10:47
23 2.3K
Having a crisis and seeking a new beginning: but how?
20-04-10 9:53
8 1.2K
not sure what to call this
22-04-10 21:31
2 762
Annoying girl at college 12
18-04-10 23:09
32 4.1K