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Date finished, not sure what to do now...
18-04-10 17:20
7 1.4K
What to do job or college?
19-04-10 21:58
6 745
so i asked a girl out.... now what?
19-04-10 23:28
3 589
Girlfriend Pregnant 12
19-04-10 10:06
48 4K
am I overreacting
18-04-10 15:01
17 2K
Social anxiety & wedding reception
17-04-10 17:06
28 4.1K
need some opinions
19-04-10 19:26
3 373
How do you meet more people/make friends?
19-04-10 13:31
2 516
People are interested in me to begin with but then cut off - Help?
19-04-10 12:40
1 536
Can you be Homophobic and still considered to be a good person?
17-04-10 14:18
27 3K
19-04-10 3:05
4 540
Suicidal: Can anyone help me? Anything temporary for now?
10-04-10 1:54
7 1.2K
dilemma - advice urgently needed
19-04-10 10:37
2 450
Mother Depressed?
19-04-10 10:23
2 398
Really depressed and worried
17-04-10 17:58
12 1.4K
Overweight and in need of advice
17-04-10 23:51
7 927
Like the brother of the guy I'm seeing.
18-04-10 15:24
8 1.3K
Itchy Feet (travel, not medical-related!)
18-04-10 20:20
1 393
A Sad Life
18-04-10 23:42
2 699
Starting to get scared
17-04-10 23:04
5 737
I'm really scared - help
18-04-10 3:57
4 532
misconceptions getting me down
18-04-10 14:24
5 777
Penis Size
17-04-10 15:43
8 2.9K
don't know what to do
18-04-10 17:03
2 559
A problem with money
18-04-10 12:17
9 1K
Was this sexual abuse?
18-04-10 3:42
5 1.5K
How to force counselling on someone?
16-04-10 21:13
4 476
Boyfriend's father has just died how do i help
18-04-10 13:02
3 621
best friend has feelings for me
17-04-10 13:40
7 941
Having issues with landlord
17-04-10 17:40
16 1.5K