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Worried about teeth
22-04-10 11:21
8 1.4K
22-04-10 1:01
8 1.1K
Bedroom queries
08-04-10 21:42
11 2.5K
How to get my confidence back?
21-04-10 15:02
2 612
Giving up alcohol
18-04-10 11:59
19 2.2K
22-04-10 12:29
2 899
What should I do?
22-04-10 15:31
3 606
Should we still be friends?
21-04-10 19:20
4 1K
Do you love someone or are you in love? How much time do you want to spend with them
15-04-10 10:19
10 2K
Jobseekers Allowance home visit
21-04-10 13:37
11 3.3K
how do people live
20-04-10 15:05
10 1.8K
Being scammed on the net
21-04-10 22:42
0 0
What charges can assault get you?
21-04-10 19:24
2 801
A strange one.. involving sex
20-04-10 9:03
10 2.6K
Pill worry *womens issue*
21-04-10 10:13
1 521
Lingual braces?
22-11-05 15:36
14 8.3K
i cant think about anything else
21-04-10 0:02
3 693
Severe shyness...killing me
20-04-10 20:01
6 1.1K
Morphine addiction?
20-04-10 19:08
9 870
My family is crumbling and I can't stop it
19-04-10 23:56
11 2K
Living Back with Parents
20-04-10 12:50
2 775
20-04-10 19:19
2 374
I want her to take control...
20-04-10 17:44
7 934
Pill crisis
19-04-10 18:21
12 949
HIV test
20-04-10 19:18
2 539
Boyfriend too well endowed for me
19-04-10 15:14
9 3.5K
Stay in job vs. travel 12
07-03-10 16:09
36 3.6K
Special needs kid at funeral 12...45
15-04-10 18:04
126 14.2K
How about inviting a girl i haven't seen in years to my next birthday
20-04-10 7:14
1 655
What Do I Do
19-04-10 15:49
7 845