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Death of relative
24-06-06 16:44
3 518
Situation with girl I've fancied for a while and was with the other day
20-06-06 18:57
15 1.4K
What form of contaception do you use?
22-06-06 21:40
27 1.5K
Close friend Trouble...
22-06-06 23:32
6 724
Can you get an STI if its first time for both partners?
22-06-06 13:05
6 906
agghhh problems with boyfriend
23-06-06 15:29
4 645
Is it just me or does anyone find it very stressful when going out with someone
22-06-06 0:22
8 817
Seriously down on myself, just found out about my ex
02-06-06 23:17
26 1.8K
online dating - games
20-06-06 12:48
7 941
Left out again!
22-06-06 13:46
15 1.1K
19-06-06 13:47
27 1.4K
Problems in the bedroom
15-06-06 9:06
19 2.3K
07-06-06 20:48
14 1.4K
Scary event that occured this morning
22-06-06 14:51
7 1K
Couples!! 12
20-06-06 12:00
33 2.4K
At the risk of sounding like a 12 year old... 12
15-06-06 14:05
51 2.8K
Fell out of tune with my body..
21-06-06 9:27
26 1.2K
What do you think life is worth? 12
13-06-06 21:59
33 1.8K
What Have I Done
21-06-06 13:29
17 1.3K
How to meet somebody new
21-06-06 14:46
22 1.6K
i miss my mom
17-06-06 4:17
14 1.1K
girl question
12-06-06 12:39
26 2.4K
Problem with housemate/Best friend ??
19-06-06 13:06
11 832
Friends :(
15-06-06 14:59
13 1.2K
How to ask her out? 1234
24-05-06 16:14
117 6.7K
Autism - Need advice
29-05-06 16:16
13 1.9K
Horrible Neighbours
19-06-06 1:06
24 1.6K
How do you know a girl is interested?
18-06-06 14:13
29 1.5K
Flatulence (wind) around that time of the month
14-06-06 9:50
20 1.4K
I'm being a psycho ex
18-06-06 12:30
5 1K