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The whole Love Thing and Bunny Boilers 12
22-06-06 22:43
33 2.2K
absent minded housemate disrespect
27-06-06 16:54
6 1K
Should I meet him? 12
27-06-06 15:56
32 1.6K
A small bit of a problem
27-06-06 12:38
12 1.2K
Rookie mistake.. oops
24-06-06 22:11
25 2.1K
Clicked on the ex's Bebo page :'( 12
27-06-06 19:50
40 3.8K
need to vent
24-06-06 21:47
3 544
Chicken pox
21-06-06 22:21
15 966
Lover 12
25-06-06 2:46
54 2.7K
27-06-06 12:02
13 678
rather embaressing please dont take the piss
27-06-06 15:30
4 730
26-06-06 14:16
16 1.8K
Confusing Situation
25-06-06 0:51
15 1.2K
Should I Call Her?
25-06-06 12:36
22 1.2K
27-06-06 4:09
5 743
How many chances do you give a friend?
23-06-06 10:12
21 1.6K
My Rant
25-06-06 0:48
27 1.3K
bad situation
25-06-06 16:26
16 1.2K
23-06-06 14:14
6 1.1K
Wet Bed
26-06-06 10:11
17 1.3K
Advice please on a sensitive subject
22-06-06 0:29
15 1.5K
starting again
11-06-06 17:30
13 1.1K
Boyfriend owes me money
22-06-06 10:32
20 2.7K
Totally fed up with husband (longish) 12
19-06-06 23:43
40 3.1K
Stupid young man 1234
17-06-06 22:18
96 5.7K
Male Doctor - eek!
20-06-06 17:11
18 1.5K
25-06-06 14:39
2 595
Awkward Situation
23-06-06 19:54
7 814
best place to have a serious talk in town ?
24-06-06 13:33
11 1.4K
Giving Blood - UK?
12-06-06 15:06
6 530