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Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What would your Death Row dinner be? 1234
04-08-14 22:29
113 6.7K
What did I just watch???
06-08-14 3:15
0 0
Gardai Raids On Pubs
05-08-14 16:03
25 2.8K
Who's your favourite Superhero and why? 12
05-08-14 23:40
49 1.5K
Revenue to take property tax - where are the TD's who led people up the garden path?
06-08-14 0:12
0 0
You know you're tired when... 12
05-08-14 17:59
41 2.4K
05-08-14 23:14
11 474
What do i get? 12
05-08-14 16:43
32 1.8K
"Irish families can't put food on the table" 123
05-08-14 10:44
68 5.4K
Anonymous person confessed to the murder of a 12 year old girl on Omegle 12
05-08-14 15:43
41 4.7K
Would you be Premier League or Conference
05-08-14 19:59
1 243
Everybody else in the family is at the Commonwealth Games, so why aren't we? 12...1415
26-07-14 16:51
441 30.8K
what do you do when you cant sleep? 12
05-08-14 1:03
39 2.1K
Favorite cigarette? 1234
04-08-14 1:20
100 5.7K
Fighter Jests Escort Plane Manchester 12
05-08-14 13:50
42 2.7K
nothing to see here... move on please
05-08-14 13:44
23 1.6K
Culchies and "the cure" 123
04-08-14 20:13
85 10.2K
Mobile phones and recording at gigs
31-07-14 19:29
23 1.5K
I have never been properly drunk 12
27-07-14 23:51
51 3.7K
Things that are inevitable 123
05-08-14 0:05
70 4.1K
The Great Supermarket Thread. 1234
18-05-10 20:46
96 6K
Anyone else see the Cork player taking a wee before Cork vs. Mayo?
03-08-14 16:36
30 5.2K
Warm/Tropical Weather is not Good Weather Part 2
05-08-14 2:54
15 1K
There's no academic difference between working class and middle class children 12...1213
31-07-14 0:48
365 15.3K
Noise 12
04-08-14 22:28
34 2.4K
Change of address question
05-08-14 1:05
13 345
Do cops ever feel bad about snitching all the time? 12
04-08-14 4:10
39 3.2K
Give up all material possessions to become a superhero 12
03-08-14 23:26
49 1.9K
Funny Nicknames. 123
03-08-14 7:46
61 5.7K
Boasters 12
04-08-14 21:35
37 2.3K