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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
No known cure for stupidity!!! 1234
04-08-14 14:33
92 6K
Lotto winner giving it all (well mostly) away 12
04-08-14 11:27
46 3.3K
What to do with noisy bastard neighbours ?
04-08-14 21:47
30 5.4K
Suspended sentencing
01-08-14 0:59
24 2K
Closing doors and windows obsession!!
04-08-14 21:51
15 1.1K
Holidays abroad
04-08-14 21:55
0 6
What is the most obscene song ever? 1234
24-07-14 22:10
109 9.3K
photo of tanks seems awfully wrong 12
04-08-14 11:19
45 3.3K
What would you do if you were a Billionaire???????? 1234
04-08-14 16:29
93 4.1K
-- Aldi & lack of product knowledge-- 12
04-08-14 20:48
37 2.4K
renting in dublin
04-08-14 20:51
11 884
Laptop screen 'jumping'
04-08-14 20:30
17 526
Potential Racism during Muslim Festival 123
03-08-14 10:46
75 3.9K
Usernames you wish you had given yourself 123
04-08-14 20:01
72 3.3K
Parents to be jailed over failure to pay home schooling fine 12...45
03-08-14 20:56
135 7.2K
Why do scrotes wear tracksuits? 123
04-08-14 4:03
87 7.9K
What is the oddest thing you did as a kid? 12
02-08-14 18:36
55 5.3K
Priest receiving text messages from the Devil 12
03-08-14 14:17
40 2.9K
If you could have a night out with anyone, who would it be? 1234
03-08-14 10:15
95 5K
The Irish Girls in the Hotel in Madrid 12...45
02-08-14 5:17
129 15.9K
Sony smartphone
04-08-14 12:40
4 321
New NASA engine can get to Mars in weeks...instead of months 12
03-08-14 0:37
41 3.8K
If you could be anyone in the world who wud u be? 12
03-08-14 6:36
47 2.3K
What are the worst things you can say on a first date? 12...78
06-01-14 23:01
221 26.7K
Have you ever been mistaken for the opposite sex? 123
01-08-14 17:47
76 5.4K
Garda laptop found in Dutch Brothel
04-08-14 10:33
2 471
What do you think is the biggest problem in Ireland at the moment? 12...67
01-08-14 12:10
198 11.4K
School trips. 12
03-08-14 20:29
59 3K
Back of the net!
04-08-14 0:34
4 441
Explanation of the demise of the Celtic Tiger
03-08-14 20:08
30 1.6K