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Alcohol Addiction Treatment
20-11-18 14:33
25 3.4K
The fear
18-11-18 0:10
9 2.2K
Sex drive is crazy
15-11-18 16:33
4 3K
hsg test
19-11-18 20:49
1 624
Can never attract women I fancy. 12
10-11-18 0:21
54 6.5K
How to cut people out of your life? 12
15-11-18 17:29
39 4.4K
Regiftted our presents... 12
13-11-18 14:47
33 6.6K
Anxious parent: how to protect the child?
12-11-18 3:27
2 1.2K
Feel like it's over
10-11-18 17:58
4 1.8K
I know a family secret and I feel alone
15-11-18 21:58
4 2.2K
Can anyone advise on Tusla - Update: now with the Gardai 1234
09-07-18 17:44
91 16.8K
Christmas holidays
15-11-18 18:46
0 112
All of the responsibilities of an adult but none of the fun!!
13-11-18 20:17
12 2.7K
Lack of caring
10-11-18 10:06
6 1.6K
Back home from living abroad, no one really cares 12
10-11-18 14:08
35 6.2K
Should I offer to go?
11-11-18 22:30
16 3.1K
Friends in relationships- I'm not and I seem to be forgotten
12-11-18 13:22
12 1.9K
Faced with the possibility of chemo. 12...45
04-09-15 10:46
131 15K
Single and sad
09-11-18 22:12
6 1.5K
Can't get girl out of my head
03-11-18 2:15
11 3.3K
Bad friend or I am expecting too much?
05-11-18 22:31
16 3.3K
Work issue
10-11-18 10:49
16 2.3K
Good excuse not to attend interview tomorrow morning
09-11-18 20:08
6 1.7K
Bully aunt - what to do?
02-11-18 22:17
6 2.4K
Think I might have undiagnosed autism
09-11-18 1:27
1 892
Bipolar Famiy member - vile abuse
29-10-18 17:35
28 4.6K
Pain and sadness after ending a toxic relationship
05-11-18 18:29
24 3.1K
Are my parents using me?
04-11-18 13:36
15 3.9K
Just got engaged. Family issue.
29-10-18 0:19
27 6.7K
my life passing me by in my 40s, what can I change?
15-10-18 11:54
23 5.1K