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What's my first step? Your advice is most welcome.
06-12-18 0:22
11 2.4K
Difference Between Company Doc and GP
07-12-18 18:53
0 578
Being cast aside by friends? 12
27-11-18 2:14
36 5.2K
Worried about the future since best friend's death 12
21-11-18 21:03
38 4.6K
To Move out from Flat?
04-12-18 0:20
11 1.8K
Oh brother ...what to do for the best
24-11-18 15:10
16 4.1K
GP refused referral to specialist
03-12-18 17:12
17 2.9K
I'm pretty sure I'm a depressed alcoholic.
17-11-18 13:26
7 2.5K
Where to find therapy
02-12-18 18:28
7 759
Got a job my friend really wanted
10-07-18 13:56
28 5.3K
Lent a TV, rude to ask for it back?
23-11-18 12:37
17 3.1K
Exhausted, lonely, gay
28-11-18 6:07
9 1.8K
Anxious about future work decision
30-11-18 23:55
1 706
I'm sick and I worried about college exams
30-11-18 13:26
20 1.5K
Work stress
28-11-18 23:31
7 1.6K
Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong as I dont want to loose my friend
24-11-18 17:38
20 3.8K
I am so upset with my brother am i unreasonable? 123
19-11-18 11:27
73 12.6K
Made a mess of my career
27-11-18 12:20
1 1K
No Connections but Content?
25-11-18 12:59
11 2K
Don't know how to feel after breakup
24-11-18 20:56
4 1.3K
Can’t find a good therapist, so disheartening
24-11-18 19:29
5 806
False allegation made against me
18-11-18 13:58
22 5.5K
he said she said....
23-11-18 17:10
5 1.5K
Jealous friend
24-11-18 0:08
2 1K
23-11-18 22:31
10 1.3K
Passed on an STI and I’m overwhelmed with guilt
13-11-18 22:34
15 4K
Self worth at an all-time low
30-10-18 19:52
5 1.9K
Death of biological father
13-11-18 21:09
5 1.5K
Interfering mother in law
18-11-18 9:20
28 5.3K
Fulfilling career, or work to live ?
19-11-18 14:28
5 1.3K