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Guywith no friends!
09-07-10 2:07
9 1.5K
I'm really bad at my job
12-07-10 15:39
15 10.1K
Overweight but don't care! 123
10-07-10 18:00
65 6.9K
Am I obsessive?
12-07-10 15:43
4 905
Questions about going on the dole.
14-07-10 13:23
0 0
deep freeze
14-07-10 8:46
1 612
Sexual Problem
06-07-10 20:16
16 3.7K
Too organised
13-07-10 20:56
2 663
Cousin Pregnant
12-07-10 22:42
8 1.8K
Can't pay rent
11-07-10 19:04
10 1.6K
iphones from usa
13-07-10 20:28
0 0
Am I going down the wrong path?
13-07-10 15:23
3 1.2K
Mum complaining about spending
13-07-10 10:43
9 1.2K
male: cannot orgasm through sex
10-07-10 19:29
8 1.7K
12-07-10 15:26
7 980
Divorced/Separated buying house together????
13-07-10 10:06
6 758
Friend and sister problems
10-07-10 21:26
10 1.4K
Salary Shift or Shift plus bank holidays
13-07-10 10:01
0 70
Relationship counsellor in Dublin
16-02-10 12:08
8 7.6K
Do I move on or what?
12-07-10 16:08
1 539
Was she pregnant?
08-07-10 23:50
30 4.6K
Advice on how to deal with parents ?
10-07-10 19:10
17 1.9K
Need motivation to lose weight
12-07-10 1:15
11 1.3K
House mate and Domestic Violence
10-07-10 17:53
5 1.6K
College fail
05-07-10 0:27
3 1K
Male not that Tall
02-07-10 8:07
17 2.1K
Think I make girls nervous..
10-07-10 19:45
6 1.2K
I didn't expect it to be this hard.....
09-07-10 21:10
5 1.2K
Trapped in a hopeless situation
10-07-10 4:15
7 1.9K
How do you know if you are bothering a girl..?
10-07-10 18:31
0 0