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Maynooth University

Maynooth University
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Grant for masters?
22-01-11 0:44
3 997
Could someone please help me!
10-02-11 14:49
4 976
Where to live in Maynooth
22-02-11 0:54
28 11.6K
29-11-10 16:41
11 1.5K
The Union Council Thread 123
02-03-10 11:06
137 14K
19-02-11 8:31
5 843
River Apartments?
17-02-11 20:27
10 5.9K
RAG Week
19-02-11 13:33
3 707
NUIM HEAR student experiences.
18-02-11 21:02
0 748
French in Maynooth?
02-02-09 20:36
7 2.6K
Galway Cycle 2011
12-02-11 1:30
4 869
Creating a Club/Society
14-02-11 21:21
5 711
Computer Science in Maynooth, would this course be ideal for me??
16-02-11 19:06
2 1.5K
Moving to Maynooth next year
11-02-11 18:23
6 1.3K
rag week?
16-02-11 0:34
0 470
Third Year Work Placement
10-01-11 20:14
11 2K
NUIM Student Running in General Election
07-02-11 22:53
8 1.3K
Doing a subject outside your chosen degree
23-06-09 4:34
14 1.7K
Offline lan on the campus network
10-02-11 19:39
4 747
passing time in college
31-01-11 18:09
24 3.4K
Student Papers/Mags
11-02-11 15:04
4 645
Repeat Exams Timetable
21-07-09 19:08
15 3.2K
Navigation help.
11-02-11 3:03
1 592
What's NUIM Gym like?
29-01-11 9:24
5 1.5K
Arts Block Hygiene
06-02-11 13:04
5 951
New parking plans in Maynooth
16-12-10 22:01
42 7K
Starting a band??
03-02-11 15:20
3 605
01-02-11 20:16
1 515
Maynooth Doctors
23-01-11 19:11
2 1K
Driving wrong way out of North Campus
24-01-11 2:59
6 1.4K