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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Women's Health Issues: LadyGardening for Dummies 12...7475
11-12-24 18:43
3.7K 601.3K
*****Charter - Please Read Before Posting*****
19-02-13 11:23
0 18.9K
Things you want to say to husband/boyf/ex's/friends/family/people *MOD NOTE POST #1* 12...137138
18-01-25 13:31
6.9K 1.2M
Treatment for large fibroids - no symptoms just bloating/ swollen abdomen
20-12-24 18:40
5 456
Online dating
20-12-24 15:19
45 5.6K
Who Makes You Drool? ****mod note opening post read before posting**** 12...116117
08-12-24 0:36
5.8K 2.3M
Has anyone had this issue: cervix cannot be viewed by doctor
05-11-24 15:11
1 328
Dating Agency
15-10-24 12:47
2 246
Describe yourself as you are right now. 12...136137
12-10-24 18:24
6.8K 437.1K
Anyone here had a breast reduction in Ireland?
08-10-24 14:39
20 3K
What’s the hot hair device this year ladies?
08-10-24 14:04
0 33
Delaying period for wedding...
14-09-24 7:50
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Perimenopause 12
30-07-24 22:39
59 6.2K
Pampering massage?
23-07-24 21:30
5 282
Mirena coil
19-07-24 9:14
0 143
Prophylactic breast and ovary surgeries in Dublin: recommendations
15-07-24 9:16
0 51
Blathnaid Raleigh
06-07-24 19:21
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Do you tip your hairdresser?
06-07-24 15:44
7 997
Dating apps
22-06-24 11:19
17 2.6K
18-06-24 19:38
0 136
Anyone go for any preventative surgery for Breast Cancer?
03-04-24 16:06
0 82
Surgery on polyp
16-02-24 23:05
0 111
Have any women taken Viagra or generic Sildenafil? What effects if any did it have?
09-02-24 8:43
2 821
Good aluminium-free deodorant for women/girls
08-02-24 20:56
4 235
Do you ever just feel like your totally dismissed by society.
04-02-24 23:05
3 723
Hen party boat party in May
30-01-24 15:50
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Clothes shopping online
30-01-24 13:05
10 1.6K
Car seat belts and safety
07-01-24 13:48
4 321
Thrush treatment
23-12-23 22:03
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Could I be pregnant
12-12-23 10:10
8 1.4K
Getting BRCA risk reducing surgeries when your mental health is already at rock bottom
21-11-23 9:31
0 61
Where to go from here? (Fertility related)
20-11-23 12:28
1 261