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Discussing how others rule the world
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
How do we judge this Fine Gael government? 1234
19-03-15 15:19
93 6.1K
Will the euro fall further against pound 12
29-01-15 18:16
52 8.9K
Anti-Muslim prejudice is real, and it’s scary
23-03-15 20:44
3 695
Should the government apologize to young people in rented accomodation 12...67
30-01-15 15:47
189 16.6K
Jim Molyneaux 12
09-03-15 17:23
32 3.1K
Didn't realise "dissident" Republicans were so active.
24-11-14 13:44
17 2.8K
Social Welfare Reform Bill
16-03-15 13:13
15 1.5K
Changing address
21-03-15 22:21
2 609
Construction Industry and pay rates 123
24-05-13 15:31
72 28.6K
Another bank bailout 12
13-03-15 22:50
36 4.3K
Reboot Ireland - Regional Meetings prior to full party launch 12...56
10-02-15 11:49
177 12.7K
Sinn Fein - looming health service disaster? 12...5051
08-03-15 13:34
1.5K 48.9K
UK support for EU membership hits new high
03-03-15 0:00
28 2.6K
What are the differences between ISIS and the IRA? 12...910
15-03-15 19:51
297 15K
lazy mods dont want posts here?
17-03-15 2:52
1 926
Will the euro zone as we know it collapse? 12
28-01-15 15:33
41 3.9K
Is the EU wrong to impose sanctions on Russia?
07-08-14 1:28
5 1.6K
What evidence of Gerry Adams' IRA membership do people need? 12...4243
02-05-14 16:25
1.3K 67K
Dr. Thomas Sowell On Gay Marriage 1234
02-03-15 20:40
98 5.3K
TD Expenses
24-02-15 23:43
11 3.3K
Should removing the primacy of the Irish text be the first Constitutional reform? 123
21-04-13 15:17
79 10.6K
Construction starts to suffer on new mortgage rules 12
09-03-15 9:17
40 4.8K
So, Anyone remember the Financial Crisis?
12-03-15 14:16
0 1.2K
So, Anyone remember the Financial Crisis?
12-03-15 14:15
0 833
ECB to launch QE - dangerous for Ireland? 123
06-01-15 20:49
89 10K
Which Newspaper 12
23-02-15 16:46
38 3.7K
Gun Control 12...89
08-06-14 21:12
263 19.4K
Enda Kenny - No more Boom and Bust!
09-03-15 13:29
2 1.1K
Junior cert dispute between Unions and Dept of Education 12
03-03-15 13:19
52 4K
Acceptable that a Minister takes part in blood sports? 12...56
03-03-15 19:48
155 8.8K