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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Well Done your honour 123
28-05-22 21:44
87 3.9K
what is burger kings problem? 123
28-05-22 20:05
86 4K
The Penneys Challenge
28-05-22 16:17
19 1K
Why cant all hospitals be run like this 123
28-05-22 14:59
85 6.9K
American cops.....hard as nails when a negro is running away or reaching for his Driver License.
28-05-22 2:20
2 131
Enough with the Ukrains
28-05-22 0:47
19 772
Skangers in Sanguli on Little Rascals
27-05-22 22:50
2 151
Why can't we do this? [Houses and stuff]
27-05-22 22:04
7 471
Swing No,Sweet Chariot?
27-05-22 19:41
7 191
Kevin Spacey...WTF?! 12...78
27-05-22 19:29
222 31.1K
Ray Liotta died 12
27-05-22 18:16
34 1.3K
What's the best track to listen to on takeoff?
27-05-22 17:36
30 502
How different are irish women compared to their European counterparts 123
27-05-22 15:33
84 8.5K
Jury Summons
27-05-22 14:32
10 371
Depeche mode mourn....
27-05-22 14:27
7 301
German UN Delegation Laughing at Trump 123
27-05-22 14:25
69 1.1K
EPA Radon Map Launch (Failure)
27-05-22 12:21
4 161
What do you like to read?
26-05-22 21:19
15 232
What big companies do you think will not be around in the next 5 years? 12...67
25-05-22 16:47
181 9.4K
Anyone missing the aul covid lockdowns?
25-05-22 16:38
28 947
Shocking. MASSACRE in America
25-05-22 12:00
8 271
Best responses to the classic "why are you still single?"? 12
25-05-22 10:30
59 2.3K
Anyone here ever buy an NFT? 123
25-05-22 9:51
81 2.3K
When is the recession coming? 123
24-05-22 19:17
71 3.3K
How in the f**k do you navigate this site?
24-05-22 18:47
2 112
Need help finding a creepy song
24-05-22 17:19
28 516
Why aren't laws more watertight
24-05-22 16:44
10 191
Things not to say during interview 123
24-05-22 13:32
80 7.5K
Will DSPCA seize a dog that is underweight during an investigation of the owner's home?
24-05-22 13:31
3 91
Is it my phone or this site?
23-05-22 21:04
21 501