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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
07-07-12 19:34
12 2.4K
Items of clothing you just can't part with! 12
30-07-12 17:15
33 3.4K
04-08-12 11:01
2 617
Criticism of female politicians.
18-07-12 20:57
27 3.9K
Its not about sex Its about power.
02-08-12 17:57
12 2K
Holiday for 1 week - how many bikini's do i need?
03-08-12 17:14
0 3
American Men in dublin
02-08-12 17:33
4 836
Prostitution as an alternative.
02-08-12 1:31
15 3.5K
Sex with circumcised guys?
02-08-12 0:16
2 1.5K
Making friends. Do you still do it?
25-07-12 6:47
28 4.9K
Loungers Who Lunch - The Off Topic Thread (All Chat Goes Here!) 12...333334
10-06-12 22:09
10K 530K
Inappropriate questions or comments 12...56
08-07-12 23:16
169 30.7K
Personal Bill of Rights
31-07-12 1:38
1 370
Safety/risk involved in one night stands 12...78
18-06-12 21:35
229 30.6K
Pottermore for the members of The Ladies Lounge 12...45
17-04-12 21:47
138 11.6K
whats your man allowed to do ?? 12...45
28-06-12 3:15
145 23.7K
No pain, no gain - High-heels. 12...45
21-07-12 21:01
131 14.8K
First Date Ideas?
26-07-12 15:06
0 0
Breast Discomfort
26-07-12 1:45
3 784
Article: Brain Sees Men as Whole, Women as Parts
25-07-12 14:34
0 629
Is Irish society changing when it comes to women and sexuality?
20-07-12 22:52
19 3.2K
Scottish rape awareness ad- Not Ever
23-07-12 22:35
9 2.2K
Pro choice-time for a coherent lobby group?
19-07-12 21:13
15 2.2K
How's your bra? 12...56
31-05-12 19:31
179 27.9K
Who would you vote Female Celebrity of the year
22-07-12 21:41
2 583
Ladies of Waterford-we need your help!!
23-07-12 14:49
1 588
Online vs IRL (or the (filthy) mind of tLL)...
19-07-12 12:04
20 3K
What is your word for your mother? 12...56
13-07-12 10:02
161 11.9K
Did you ever have to break up with someone you still love? 12
15-07-12 13:29
33 9.4K
New emergency contraceptive, 120 hour window.
17-07-12 17:29
4 4.2K