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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Meeting guys in your late twenties? 12...45
04-08-12 11:05
141 27.9K
"Wow! You Look Fab"
19-08-12 22:11
13 2K
Men's lack of logic!
18-08-12 18:55
2 1.3K
Breast Augmentation Prices
18-08-12 13:17
1 1.4K
Period apps
17-08-12 12:18
20 2.3K
Smear Tests - Too Painful to bear
18-08-12 9:14
2 1K
How much of an influence has your partner had on your choices in life?
31-07-12 15:40
27 3.9K
How do I go about finding a Taxi for my kids?
16-08-12 17:34
12 1.4K
Learning to play a musical instrument. 12
13-08-12 16:46
40 3K
I never want a wedding but wouldnt mind a marriage 1234
11-08-12 20:16
106 10.6K
any 'i swear by meditation' people here?
07-02-10 21:36
15 2.2K
Offputting advice in magazine
14-08-12 0:36
17 2.7K
In need of Footwear advice!
15-08-12 16:37
0 2
Femme de la rue: sexism in the streets of Brussels 123
06-08-12 15:57
75 9.6K
15-08-12 1:41
4 508
Saying no to a date.
13-08-12 13:45
11 1.6K
Breastfeeding 123
12-11-11 23:42
76 9.1K
reflection of 12
03-08-12 22:13
50 6.2K
Harrods gender-neutral toy department 12...45
06-08-12 19:15
143 12.7K
Can you cheat while in love? 12
05-08-12 19:33
40 6.8K
Gender Imbalance in Dublin? 12
10-08-12 2:57
58 8.4K
Waxing chest yes or no on guys
11-08-12 8:00
1 894
Why oh why did they get rid of 'the slow set'? 12
03-08-12 22:38
50 6.4K
Female Heroes 12...45
02-01-10 0:44
144 40.7K
Meeting men?
10-08-12 11:46
1 816
"[We] don’t lift weights in order to look hot, " 12
31-07-12 23:28
53 10.8K
Looking through your BOYFRIEND'S phone.... 12...45
23-07-12 15:27
142 14.5K
Prostitution as an Alternative 2 1234
04-08-12 3:39
99 12.9K
Snide Comments
04-08-12 2:02
13 3K
Bad Breath >:(
05-08-12 15:41
25 3.7K