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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Communal/Gym Changing Rooms: Do they make you feel uncomfortable? 12...45
01-08-12 10:55
123 30.6K
Why do you want to be thinner? 12...1011
03-04-12 2:08
320 45.4K
Ann Summers Parties
05-09-12 9:38
1 955
Do you feel you have to defend women. 12
01-09-12 18:19
47 4.4K
Breast ex-plant
04-09-12 21:07
1 503
Making Friends
04-09-12 20:58
1 614
How have you change since having a child? 123
27-08-12 21:48
79 7.6K
Does your GP's sexuality matter? 12
31-08-12 10:36
43 4.8K
How many shoes?
24-08-12 22:37
28 2.8K
when does af come after stopping mini pill?
01-09-12 13:20
1 444
My whirlwind summer romance with Mr. Forbidden
31-08-12 17:51
0 13
Avon Waterford
31-08-12 16:42
1 408
Diamonds are a girl's best friend....are they? 123
21-08-12 17:34
62 6.5K
Will there be any legislation on abortion?
28-08-12 23:42
10 1.2K
sending flowers to a girl in work ... good idea or bad
29-08-12 13:54
1 832
HPV Vaccine & Contraceptive pill?
29-08-12 1:50
2 629
Age .....
29-08-12 0:39
1 847
The Quiverfull movement 12
23-08-12 16:32
33 4.8K
I love babies but....
27-08-12 20:45
7 1.3K
Friends.... 12
16-04-08 20:55
59 5.3K
27-08-12 11:24
0 81
Meeting men in your 30s
24-08-12 21:40
9 3.6K
Day out with my parents - suggestions please
24-08-12 10:43
0 3
Lonely hearts ads from 1970s, thankfully things have changed! 1234
11-08-12 22:25
115 22.3K
"Women on Target" shooting classes 12
03-06-12 16:03
32 4.4K
Men and their 'Mammies' 123
22-08-12 9:47
86 11.6K
Suggestions for nice gifts for nurses
22-08-12 23:43
0 1
Feeling like a boring auld wan
21-08-12 0:36
15 2.9K
So, I went to a rape prevention talk 123
30-07-12 6:17
75 11.6K
21-08-12 19:53
0 18