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small lump under nipple
14-06-05 8:29
9 579
do u have to look? 123
13-06-05 10:06
79 3.7K
wart on finger? 12
13-06-05 9:16
33 2.1K
Hmm... Decisions...
13-06-05 9:16
21 934
Seeing a psychiatrist re bullying 12
13-06-05 9:06
38 2.1K
More girl problems - Where's the manual?
13-06-05 1:45
13 915
Mother may have cancer 12
13-06-05 0:54
32 1.5K
A little feedback...
12-06-05 15:29
13 733
Needing some1
12-06-05 15:08
27 1.5K
Leaving cert - mental anguish
12-06-05 13:43
30 1.4K
12-06-05 4:44
27 1.2K
My Dilema 12
11-06-05 16:34
41 1.3K
A face from the past...
11-06-05 1:15
7 768
10-06-05 18:17
11 1.2K
dazed and confused about what to do
10-06-05 13:22
29 1.3K
give me some advice...
09-06-05 20:18
19 1K
it it me or him?
09-06-05 14:25
11 903
Missing Period
09-06-05 13:48
5 572
Bad Memory
09-06-05 13:39
18 1K
Male fertility test
08-06-05 23:18
3 3.3K
Grinding teeth
08-06-05 22:01
21 962
Romantic gestures
08-06-05 16:08
28 1.4K
Workmates "Music" doing my head in
08-06-05 15:26
30 1.7K
Mood Changes With the pill??
08-06-05 15:02
4 481
why is it
07-06-05 22:18
17 1.2K
07-06-05 21:22
18 2.4K
earwax causing deafness
07-06-05 15:48
22 1.3K
a blind date 123
07-06-05 13:08
62 2.3K
Problem with girlfriend
07-06-05 0:12
10 911
I hate women, but don't want too 12
05-06-05 22:40
57 2.3K