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Incredibly low self esteem
19-10-06 21:23
6 1K
bloody crush
17-10-06 1:24
8 1.1K
Boyfriend Finance Issues driving me mad 12
18-10-06 12:17
31 2.5K
Is she interested?
18-10-06 23:26
15 1.5K
Friends and their boyfriends...
19-10-06 18:26
22 1.9K
It seemed a good idea at the time
17-10-06 19:10
17 2.1K
17-10-06 16:57
13 3.7K
Someone state the bleedin' obvious please?
16-10-06 15:41
18 1.8K
pain in a testicle
20-10-06 9:43
3 780
Boyfriend V's Friend
19-10-06 12:01
16 1.4K
Friends Girlfriend
19-10-06 11:11
7 990
What to do?
18-10-06 15:06
8 1.1K
Anyone have a brother problem? 12
17-10-06 12:24
35 2K
what to do?
18-10-06 21:16
11 1.1K
19-10-06 16:45
2 703
Rascist Attacks
16-10-06 16:46
30 1.9K
is this strange... or is she crazy!
16-10-06 10:33
12 2K
International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD)
19-10-06 10:34
0 516
hinting at pregnancy 12
18-10-06 12:46
39 1.7K
hot girl in my class
17-10-06 10:13
19 1.4K
Paranoia or on to something?
17-10-06 20:35
23 1.4K
'Breaking Up' with my Best Friend
17-10-06 12:27
16 1.6K
Advice Please
18-10-06 12:10
14 1.1K
dunno whats goin on
11-10-06 15:31
17 1.4K
tell me to relax....
17-10-06 15:32
6 651
Not dogging!!
17-10-06 14:24
10 1.4K
16-10-06 20:38
22 1.3K
Why are girls so damn shy when you try to talk to them
17-10-06 14:54
1 544
not too sure what to do
15-10-06 22:30
16 1.4K
Existential crisis?
16-10-06 18:20
12 840