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Am i damaged?(Not breakfast reading!)
17-10-06 9:04
1 1K
Would you bother/is it right to
16-10-06 12:02
10 1.2K
Child Pornography
16-10-06 23:37
1 814
16-10-06 22:48
1 449
GP Fees & prescriptions
06-10-06 11:41
17 1.2K
16-10-06 20:03
0 521
Who Let The Dogs Out? 12
04-10-06 17:34
50 3.8K
Yet another "What to do with my job!"
16-10-06 15:10
3 498
trying to get pregnant 12
04-09-06 0:12
32 2.4K
what to do with this girl
13-10-06 11:04
13 1.6K
Yet another "Where to meet men" thread
15-10-06 13:38
19 2.3K
15-10-06 21:26
10 1.2K
Uneven fat around the body
09-10-06 22:44
7 670
Matchmaking festivals?
15-10-06 14:43
3 703
what the hell is he doing?
14-10-06 16:53
8 1.3K
Was i wrong?
13-10-06 11:28
26 2.2K
A little shaken
13-10-06 0:54
25 1.9K
What would you do?
13-10-06 14:35
29 1.7K
I'm totally infatuated about girlfriend
09-10-06 16:21
11 1.4K
Female Masturbation?
04-10-06 14:58
7 5.4K
girl question
10-10-06 10:47
13 1.4K
12-10-06 23:49
8 690
BF is Circumcisied
12-10-06 17:43
12 1.4K
Met the girl, what next?
12-10-06 2:34
10 1.2K
How not to fall in love
11-10-06 16:46
27 1.8K
Advise on my job. 12
04-10-06 20:59
49 3.1K
I give off the wrong impression
11-10-06 20:42
13 1.3K
11-10-06 19:13
4 558
The Story of my 2nd Crush
12-10-06 21:54
2 489
at my wits end. trouble in paradise.
30-09-06 15:26
20 1.9K