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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Gameweek 10 Transfers. 12...89
22-10-16 15:23
264 9.8K
GW9 Match Day Thread 12...2122
21-10-16 23:31
650 18.1K
GW10 Captain Poll?
24-10-16 12:43
2 172
GW9 Captain Poll 12
19-10-16 11:17
57 3.1K
Gw 9 - Transfers 12...1112
15-10-16 14:43
359 11.7K
Fantasy Sports Arena Champions League - Charity Event 1234
26-09-16 23:32
120 3.9K
GW8 Match Day Thread. 12...3132
15-10-16 0:14
945 25.1K
Gameweek 8 Transfers, who ya gonna buy :-) 12...78
30-09-16 20:09
232 10.1K
Captain GW8 123
04-10-16 14:50
80 3.9K
Dishing out free advice
13-10-16 23:34
7 535
Gameweek 7 Matchday Thread 12...2829
30-09-16 9:05
865 25.4K
captain gameweek 7 1234
26-09-16 22:29
103 4.7K
Gameweek 7 Transfers, Who ya going to sell now? 12...910
24-09-16 13:50
294 11.2K
Matchday GW6 - AKA, Return of the Kun 12...3233
24-09-16 0:13
966 29.2K
Gameweek 6 Captain 12
19-09-16 14:12
50 2.7K
GW6 Transfers - Operation Bring Kun Back. MOD NOTE: PLEASE READ POST 71 12...1213
16-09-16 19:43
381 16.2K
GW6 Captain 12...45
15-09-15 0:46
143 8.6K
Gameweek 5 Matchday Thread 12...4546
16-09-16 9:39
1.4K 37.5K
Rotating teams
22-07-16 21:12
7 513
GW5 Transfers 12...56
10-09-16 11:48
156 8.5K
GW 5 Captain Poll 123
12-09-16 13:48
72 3.2K
GW4 Matchday Thread 12...3233
10-09-16 0:20
988 25.3K
Gameweek 4 transfers 12...1011
27-08-16 11:30
316 17.1K
GW4 Captain Poll 12
05-09-16 14:17
60 3.8K
GW3 Match Day Thread 12...2930
27-08-16 3:04
871 27.4K
Gameweek 3 Transfers. 12...1314
19-08-16 19:10
415 20.5K
GW3 Captain
22-08-16 11:42
22 1.9K
county leagues for 2016-17 12
01-08-16 23:11
31 995
GW2 Matchday thread..shh 12...3031
19-08-16 0:35
925 30.2K
FPL research help please. 12
07-08-16 7:49
40 1K