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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
GW17 Captain Poll 12
15-12-16 3:23
39 2.6K
Gameweek 17 Transfers. 12...78
13-12-16 21:18
237 10.2K
Gameweek Odds Thread - FPL 2016/2017
10-08-16 23:45
30 2.4K
GW 16 Matchday Thread...Prepare for the HurriKane. 12...2021
13-12-16 14:28
604 21.7K
Your new referee
02-12-16 14:05
20 3.7K
GW 16 transfers 12...78
10-12-16 14:22
218 10.9K
GW16 Captains thread 12
11-12-16 17:38
43 2.9K
Game Week 15 Matchday Thread: Mod: 12:30 and 3pm teams in op. 12...1920
10-12-16 4:52
576 18.8K
GW15 Transfers 12...1112
03-12-16 4:10
358 16.5K
GW15 Captain Poll 12
05-12-16 15:52
32 2.6K
MLS Surgery FPL League
07-12-16 11:11
0 290
Gameweek 14 Matchday Thread 12...2526
03-12-16 2:03
775 24K
GW14 Captain Poll 123
28-11-16 18:09
66 4.2K
Excel non-consecutive number auto fill
25-11-16 19:23
12 915
GW 14 Transfers 12...1011
26-11-16 13:36
318 13.9K
Daily Fantasy Sports in Ireland
01-12-16 21:01
0 462
GW 13 matchday thread 12...2627
30-11-16 10:48
808 24.9K
GW13 Captains thread 123
22-11-16 13:28
61 3.9K
Unlucky for some... Gameweek 13 Transfers.... 12...78
19-11-16 13:28
218 10.5K
Gameweek 12 Matchday Thread 12...1920
19-11-16 1:08
578 18.7K
GW12 Captain Poll 12
14-11-16 18:01
38 2.5K
Gameweek 12 Transfers. 12...1011
05-11-16 13:42
310 12K
WC1 - Optimisation
17-11-16 18:47
1 258
Game Week 11 Matchday Thread 12...2526
05-11-16 4:47
754 21K
GW11 Captain Poll 12
01-11-16 19:18
48 2.3K
Gameweek 11 Transfers 12...1011
29-10-16 11:49
302 11.6K
Players you've had every gameweek since the start of the season 12
01-11-16 15:14
38 1K
Number and Success of hits this Season?
22-09-16 17:25
21 968
Gameweek 10 match day thread 12...3334
29-10-16 0:24
1K 26.9K
GW10 Captain Poll 123
24-10-16 14:59
70 3.1K