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Emergency Services

General discussion about the emergency services
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
So we've an Armed Uniformed police force now?
02-01-14 20:38
8 1.3K
Emergancy Services Morale 12
11-09-11 11:14
49 7.3K
Garda chief to study report on detectives lovehate role
17-10-13 0:45
18 4K
Garda support to film/TV
31-12-13 19:07
7 1.1K
Gardai exchange fire with man who barricaded himself in parents house.
28-12-13 16:28
18 2.2K
Making a noise complaint. 12
15-12-13 4:39
32 4.1K
Question on sniffer dogs
18-12-13 12:34
15 1.8K
Nice Ad campaign
21-12-13 10:21
6 894
Motorway - M1 Mass Stop and Checks 123
12-12-13 11:34
90 9.4K
Who is authorised to stop motorists?
16-10-13 22:20
18 3.6K
Garda Representative Association President
15-12-13 11:08
7 1.2K
Drink Driving Summons
15-12-13 20:07
0 97
Need advice please lads..
12-12-13 22:01
2 804
Collector looking for Garda Uniform Belt
08-12-13 18:41
24 2.3K
Dublin fire and ambulance stats
06-12-13 22:44
1 871
Happy Friday ....
05-12-13 13:41
9 1.1K
Cannabis bill 123
29-10-13 23:39
89 5.7K
KC firefighter shot and killed by KC police officer
02-12-13 21:14
5 1.4K
South doc / A and E experience
02-12-13 15:38
2 1.1K
Garda questioning
03-12-13 1:21
2 892
Eight Killed in Scottish Police Helicopter Crash. R.I.P.
30-11-13 18:14
3 695
(Mega thread) Garda checkpoints,speed vans,etc
30-11-13 21:50
6 1.1K
30-11-13 0:58
29 2.6K
PSNI operating in south
25-11-13 18:21
10 1.8K
20-11-13 21:01
8 1.4K
Loughlinstown A&E closing
07-11-13 20:08
10 1.4K
Question about labour and needing an ambulance.
24-11-13 18:27
6 2.2K
Has Medevac's 112 future been decided yet?
20-11-13 22:04
5 990
Freemen of the Land 123
31-10-13 10:59
72 7.8K
Air Corps Helis 50th anniversary .
20-11-13 11:36
0 427