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Emergency Services

General discussion about the emergency services
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Becoming a paramedic
12-02-11 22:42
30 19.4K
When can Regional Support Units be armed? 12
28-09-13 13:39
48 5.2K
garda eru pre-selection & training
26-09-13 12:09
8 4.8K
City 999 Phone in Crime Areas/Like on motorway
26-09-13 21:12
7 1.1K
Cost of retrieving telephone records.
27-08-13 0:53
29 3.5K
Rolling Blackouts in the ES.
23-09-13 9:46
1 706
Ambulance out of fuel/breakdown..
21-09-13 17:48
8 1.3K
Gardai get powers to collect DNA
16-09-13 11:26
8 1.2K
Garda Vetting
13-09-13 20:56
3 801
Bullying in streets
16-09-13 20:13
22 2.7K
how to become a firefighter 12
01-08-10 20:51
32 22.2K
Doctors in Dublin city who accept EHIC?
16-09-13 18:07
1 1.4K
26-08-13 13:10
6 1.5K
order of malta
05-06-13 0:21
18 3.3K
History of the Irish/Dublin Fire Brigade service?
03-09-13 18:41
5 907
Emergency First Responder ??
11-10-10 14:16
27 5.3K
They don't teach this in Templemore anymore...
01-09-13 0:45
4 1.4K
Hydrant requirements
31-08-13 10:51
2 771
anyone worked in uk with emt licence?
31-08-13 9:31
1 545
Question about getting a copy of evidence
25-08-13 21:08
28 2.7K
A quick question please
29-08-13 15:44
3 605
Are ambulances fitted with satellite navigation?
16-08-13 20:52
14 2.1K
Paedo problem
27-08-13 13:43
2 748
Simple Question
25-08-13 19:55
3 579
Have I received an Adult Caution?
22-08-13 5:43
13 3.7K
When Routine turns to Violence 12
12-08-13 22:36
33 4.1K
Good news Ambulance story - nice work
21-08-13 14:26
0 660
Stolen Cars - any way to help?
18-08-13 17:58
1 771
Firefighter recruit question for DFB.
14-08-13 18:45
1 1K
Record of Motor tax fine?
17-08-13 8:04
8 922