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Sally Rooney disappears up her own etc 12...45
07-11-21 14:11
136 8.4K
The strange affair of Dimmy Tooley 12...2122
06-11-21 14:40
658 48.6K
Criminal Inquiry launched into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation 12...89
06-11-21 6:39
254 10.7K
Why do people feel they are entitled to the money of others? 12...78
04-11-21 19:11
233 7.3K
Housing for Travellers must provide room for a pony - EU Rights Agency 12
04-11-21 5:02
33 1.4K
The Justice System & Irish Courts.. 12
03-11-21 20:46
44 844
Would you support the idea of Irish Law Enforcement carrying more coercive weapons? 12
02-11-21 9:18
55 623
Is there an argument to be made for increasing police firm-handedness in Dublin? 12...67
01-11-21 23:27
186 8.3K
Man beaten with axes at Tesco Tullamore
29-10-21 22:09
25 1.8K
Kicking a dog to death 123
29-10-21 22:01
61 3.7K
Judgement day for Maria Bailey. 12...7172
29-10-21 20:02
2.1K 184.3K
Eastern European
29-10-21 19:12
24 742
Poland to be fined €1 million daily by EU for not suspending controversial 'disciplinary chamber' 123
29-10-21 18:50
88 2.2K
Booing the knee *Mod Note in Post 1232 and OP* 12...105106
29-10-21 13:57
3.2K 106.6K
Moved: Acceptable Covid death rates
29-10-21 10:42
0 1
Is anyone able to view this footage / documentary?
29-10-21 10:39
1 261
Cops digging on Kildare/Wicklow border site 12...45
29-10-21 10:27
133 11.1K
WorldPay Replaces Chinese PoS Terminals after US Feds Raid
29-10-21 5:26
0 81
Woman commits insurance fraud. Involves (innocent) elderly driver. Has 59 previous convictions. 12
28-10-21 21:58
33 1.6K
Are we believe....etc 12
28-10-21 13:14
47 1.4K
Moved: Is religion merely failed science?
27-10-21 20:19
0 1
Sarah Everard Murder - Serving Met Officer Arrested *Mod Note in OP* 12...2021
26-10-21 23:38
603 76.7K
Michael Higgins Praises Travellers Contribution to Irish Society 12...1112
26-10-21 15:35
354 14.2K
Planning permission granted for 471 apartments at former Chivers site 12...56
26-10-21 14:08
155 10.1K
Newcastle Utd takeover and the Crystal Palace banner.
26-10-21 8:27
15 643
Are we expected to believe this sh!t?
26-10-21 0:11
1 301
TRUMP to launch his own social Network - “TRUTH Social” 1234
24-10-21 16:49
96 2.4K
Alec Baldwin fatally shoots woman with prop gun 1234
23-10-21 20:25
100 6.7K
Homelessness executive criticises charities/services over tents and on street food
23-10-21 20:02
26 901
Claire Byrne and Farage 12...45
22-10-21 2:05
126 4.6K